Τρίτη 27 Νοεμβρίου 2012
The dream-world
The dream-world is a journeying of the soul in alternate states of consciousness, in alternate frequency realms and dimensions. In those states we are exposed in various energies and different beings with uncertain motives and intentions.
Frequently, the dreamer's state of being is entering sealed worlds, that one can only find and enter only in these states of dreaming, when one's energy-field is exposed. The beings of these worlds are taking familiar faces of whom we keep deep in our heart and appreciate the most. That can be, religious and spiritual masters and leaders, people we love, our parents, close friends, to reassure and make us feel safe.
Our consciousness is then forcibly re-programmed in these dream-states, by "downloading" psychic material in the form of knowledge, from higher dimensions and certain realms.
Let us remind ourselves that we are susceptible in energy-fields that are vibrating in a higher frequency than ours, thus, in those dream-states we are just like kids, paying attention with our eyes wide-open to what the adults are teaching to us, as we -as a human specie- are in the kindergarten in this dimension of this planet. And when our energy-field is exposed we are easily manipulated from other beings vibrating in higher dimensions. We are given what we seek to find and the intentions and true motives of most of these beings are hidden to us. Consequently, we are misguided and deceived, used as programmable bots to serve purposes that are hidden to us (we can't "see" in those frequencies, only sense bits of reality some of the times). We are given psychedelic candies, just like an adult would give candies to draw a child's attention. We are not allowed to transcend higher realms of consciousness without supervising from the keepers of those dimensions and without their permission. An isolated number of individuals has escaped but they are like sheep outside the sheepfold, their consciousness will likely become food for the energivore beings that are floating in-between the dimension realms. A sacrifice, like lambs in the desert.
There's a price to pay.. e a c h time..
It is therefore of great importance, each night to mentally prepare ourselves for a peaceful sleep. To pray calmly in the highest spiritual beings that are known for centuries for their benevolent intentions and their energy field is vast and thus it is protective to us. But do not give-in in newly externally introduced spiritual beings whose real identity is unclear, nor are their intentions. There is a kind of "psychic energy trap" that has been set decades ago, in a massive scale. In our times it grew in huge proportions. The more sensitive people among us has being used as mediums from those beings to channel their messages. It is growing stronger minute by minute, spreading its energy-tentacles all over.
Let's remain focused and balanced inside ourselves, with prayers, benevolent intentions, having a warm resonant heart, full of compassion for every other being on this planet ~
Frequently, the dreamer's state of being is entering sealed worlds, that one can only find and enter only in these states of dreaming, when one's energy-field is exposed. The beings of these worlds are taking familiar faces of whom we keep deep in our heart and appreciate the most. That can be, religious and spiritual masters and leaders, people we love, our parents, close friends, to reassure and make us feel safe.
Our consciousness is then forcibly re-programmed in these dream-states, by "downloading" psychic material in the form of knowledge, from higher dimensions and certain realms.
Let us remind ourselves that we are susceptible in energy-fields that are vibrating in a higher frequency than ours, thus, in those dream-states we are just like kids, paying attention with our eyes wide-open to what the adults are teaching to us, as we -as a human specie- are in the kindergarten in this dimension of this planet. And when our energy-field is exposed we are easily manipulated from other beings vibrating in higher dimensions. We are given what we seek to find and the intentions and true motives of most of these beings are hidden to us. Consequently, we are misguided and deceived, used as programmable bots to serve purposes that are hidden to us (we can't "see" in those frequencies, only sense bits of reality some of the times). We are given psychedelic candies, just like an adult would give candies to draw a child's attention. We are not allowed to transcend higher realms of consciousness without supervising from the keepers of those dimensions and without their permission. An isolated number of individuals has escaped but they are like sheep outside the sheepfold, their consciousness will likely become food for the energivore beings that are floating in-between the dimension realms. A sacrifice, like lambs in the desert.
There's a price to pay.. e a c h time..
It is therefore of great importance, each night to mentally prepare ourselves for a peaceful sleep. To pray calmly in the highest spiritual beings that are known for centuries for their benevolent intentions and their energy field is vast and thus it is protective to us. But do not give-in in newly externally introduced spiritual beings whose real identity is unclear, nor are their intentions. There is a kind of "psychic energy trap" that has been set decades ago, in a massive scale. In our times it grew in huge proportions. The more sensitive people among us has being used as mediums from those beings to channel their messages. It is growing stronger minute by minute, spreading its energy-tentacles all over.
Let's remain focused and balanced inside ourselves, with prayers, benevolent intentions, having a warm resonant heart, full of compassion for every other being on this planet ~
Σάββατο 24 Νοεμβρίου 2012
Shake the image of yourself
Shake the image you have used to see each day in the mirror..
it isn't you, nor represents your qualities.
You are to be found within the inner spaces and outer of the context of the meek and obedient sheep.
Seek.. inside the empty spaces.. there, you will hear a voice calling..
follow that voice..
You will be found on an empty shore in the dawn, praying to the four winds, wearing the face of silence.
And as they are heading towards the wall, the waters stood still to protect you.
You exist beyond the heard prayers.
There's a place, where the trees weave the elegant movements, walking all together, in silence ~
it isn't you, nor represents your qualities.
You are to be found within the inner spaces and outer of the context of the meek and obedient sheep.
Seek.. inside the empty spaces.. there, you will hear a voice calling..
follow that voice..
You will be found on an empty shore in the dawn, praying to the four winds, wearing the face of silence.
And as they are heading towards the wall, the waters stood still to protect you.
You exist beyond the heard prayers.
There's a place, where the trees weave the elegant movements, walking all together, in silence ~
Memories dressed from without
Flares, glimpses of the time-moments, erupt in-between the smooth motion, as I sneak in, making space with my shoulders-moving slowly like a cat.
Beneath the ground I used to keep the wine, that ready-made from bitter moments, to sweeten my memories, memories dressed from without ~
Beneath the ground I used to keep the wine, that ready-made from bitter moments, to sweeten my memories, memories dressed from without ~
Σάββατο 10 Νοεμβρίου 2012
Spiritual beings and dimensions
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image credit: Tom Falconer |
In the whole of creation there are levels of perception, levels of dimension and correspondingly, there are entities with different abilities and tasks. Therefore -and according to this principle- there are beings operating in the lower planes and beings operating in the higher planes. It is a basic principle of the universe, beings from the lower planes to support with their lives the beings of the higher planes. This can be done by offering themselves as a source of food and/or offering their lives and their community and social structure to serve the needs of entities from the higher planes.
Ants live in a two dimensional world, thus they can't perceive our existence. Humans live in a three dimensional world, thus they can't perceive beings from the 4th dimension and so on. Ants are of much less significance to us and the same is happening with us and the entities from the 4th dimension and above (5th, 6th etc). If those entities want to deal with us it will be only to use us for their needs.
The universe is a predator. A huge meteorite would fall onto a planet destroying trillions of every kind of life, without any savior interfering to save any of those lives.
What if... you were a tiny bacterium and they took you with a syringe, injected you to live in a small bubble but for you it was a whole planet. You live in that bubble, having a bacterium consciousness, but at the rare moments of great insight, you imagine that there must be a huge syringe that injected you in this planet (bubble) sometime. Perhaps ages ago.
Man, you live in a soap-bubble that in the subtle finger touch will burst silently in the surrounding space, without anyone ever notice that... once there was a soap-bubble living here (with you in it) for a brief moment...
Now, take all those laws, regulations, authorities that ever existed on planet earth and throw them to the sea... they are useless.. nothing can touch you.. nothing can contain you who YOU are.. Everything is elementary beautiful and amazingly shapeless, that is worth living for. Because your consciousness is so much thirsty for all those colorful vibrations, to drink, beyond the dream-scape fields that never touched, never polluted by a human breath. ~
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