You desensitize your children in violence by buying them toy-guns. Couple years later the child is further desensitized/indoctrinated by killing people/animals in video games where they get points. Then they go to the army. There they learn how to kill other people - this time real people, they are "grown-up men" now - in countries they don't even know where they are, and when they return to their country they will be heroes. The indoctrination goes on non-stop to all the people from cradle to the grave, where they are desensitized in violence and indoctrinated so that they maintain that violent behavior deep in their subconscious where it was first implanted.
If you pick up right now your smartphone and go and check the movies in the Google Play Store app, you will see angry faces, hatred, revenge, murder, blood, skulls. After a long day at work, people are sitting in front of their tv to watch someone killing someone else at the same time that they are eating their corpse on the plate. It's what they have learned, it's how they have been indoctrinated to act and behave since they were little kids. And many people are unable to connect the dots even when they grow up, because these people do not bother questioning whether what they have been taught is true or false and hence to do something and unlearn that. We have been taught as kids the irrationality --which leads to further psychological complexes later on-- that at 10:00 am we can go to the garden and play with the rabbit and express our deepest love and affection. And then --just like nothing has happened-- at 14:30 pm we sit on the table to eat and our mother brings.. pieces of the corpse of a rabbit, that someone else killed, then the corpse was cooked, and that we learnt to call... food...
Those satanists and pedophiles that are ruling you (and me and everyone else) have created all that so that you may not be allowed to differ from them. They are sacrificing children and drinking their blood, but many everyday people are also eating corpses and drinking their (cooked) blood. Have you seen the agony on a cow’s eyes when they are taking her calf away from her? It’s as if she already knew what is going to happen, that you are planning to eat her beloved baby. Jews are torturing the cows alive, prior to consumption of their corpse.
That insane behaviour can never be rationalized, to become “accepted”, so people start pretending, start acting. And they hold on to that role because it’s the only thing they have learned since they were kids. In their mind eating a baby is not a big deal, as long as they find it "tasty"... But they are going to react violently when they hear that satanists are sacrificing human babies and drinking their blood. Both are babies, but animals are expendable, they don’t have feelings they don’t feel pain? Of course they do and no, animals are not our toys.
In fact, you can do something right now and end that suffering by stopping eating corpses. You don’t need meat to thrive, after all - and in fact - by eating meat you cannot thrive, because you were not meant to eat meat in the first place. You don't have predatory teeth, nor claws. And you don’t have a short intestine that carnivore animals have. You are God’s beloved child, you were born innocent, full of love. You were made to love, you are not a predatory animal. You know, it’s all part of the altered history, and that is a very deep subject, which covers many aspects. Human beings are living organisms and just like every other organism they need living food. In order to thrive you need at least 80% of raw greens, fruits, sprouts, veggies, nuts. That is living food sustaining a living body, a living organism, a living human being. So why do people continue to do things that are hurting them in the long run? Because people are mimicking what others do, yes they are in fact behaving like big kids. I personally don't believe that all people mature, no, there’s only a handful of people that do mature, the rest are unaware of who they truly are, they don’t know that they have been deceived. Or, they learn to be good actors and continue on that game. And then… and then they are rewarded - remember the system of punishment and reward they had learned as kids. That recipe of punishment and reward is deeply rooted in the subconscious mind and it becomes the tutor that teaches them how to be in this (insane) society, or better, how to become successful actors. So what is “success” in this sick world? It is to become the best actor, to play the best game, trick everybody else and rob them. And then - because the majority of people lack a functioning pair of brains - they will follow those “successful” people, they will try to mimic them.
Continuing on the topic of the video, on top of what was already mentioned, you also have mind-controlled individuals, used as the scapegoat in staged events - such as this - for the next measure: disarmament of the population. Yes, the Mafia doesn't like competitors...
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Albert Einstein once said: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. |