Πέμπτη 22 Μαρτίου 2012

«The grid that contains our essence, all of our body layers is luminous and omni-conscious. As long as we remain attached to this world in a linear way, we are not ourselves.
This is the observer observing, there is a detachment, we are not one with what we observe. There is a distance and this distance determines and defines the way we think.
If I am very close to the blackboard I can't see the whole equation. Accordingly, when I am are very far I can't see clearly what is written. In order to solve the equation we first need to be able to see every part of it and make the connections.
Unless we discard the way we have been formated, unless we are able to remove all the veils in front of our eyes, we are unable to bring a revolution that is not yet another reformation.
In order to bring a substantial revolution, we need to become the revolution, starting from the smallest. Because the smallest contains the seed that germinates the biggest ~» — Grigoris Deoudis

Παρασκευή 16 Μαρτίου 2012

«The body is a self-healing mechanism. Just remember that any wound you ever had has healed by its own. The outer is a reflection of the inner. The order for the wound to be healed is given by your immune system. If the outer is healed the same also is for the inner.
Nature has all the necessary equipment to heal body, spirit and soul; if you just give them the opportunity ~» — Grigoris Deoudis

Τετάρτη 14 Μαρτίου 2012

«The time of the seasons is approaching. Imbalanced agony reaches the farther Galactic nucleus pulse, trying to grasp a Cosmic breath for a moment of eternity.
The electric blue etheric light, thinner than ever ~» — Grigoris Deoudis

Δευτέρα 12 Μαρτίου 2012

«Earth's Natural Psychoactive substances and only those, are the sacred portals to those dimensions that can only entered by our subtler essence.
We as humans are made to consume plant matter and to be healed by the food we consume. Plants can heal all of our bodies. There are those plants to feed our dense physical bodies (veggies and greens) and others to feed the psyche, the mental and etheric body (psychoactive plants). These are advisers if we only know how and let them to guide us.
Natural psychoactive substances broaden our mental and etheric frequency that's why they being used from Shamans since the dawn of mankind everywhere on Earth and that is why they called psycho-active.
If people with psychological issues are making use of psychoactive substances all of their issues are brought to the surface. This is a chance for them to look up and resolve their issues. Problems are gifts. If they are not aware of how it works or if they are not ready, they will be destroyed. Journeys to the outer realms of consciousness start by exposing the patterns of oneself. If the inner is not balanced and aligned to the outer, then one cannot proceed further to the subtler realities.
It's up to you if you use the knife to cut the food you're about to eat or you can use it to kill someone else. That is the greatness of having free will, is to use it wisely towards mental and spiritual prosperity.
For those that are aware, the gates are open to multidimensional realms of Consciousness to manifest ~» — Grigoris Deoudis

Σάββατο 10 Μαρτίου 2012

«When you are nice and kind then kindness and goodness will be reflected back to you. When you are violent and mean, that is what will be returned to you.
Helping the turtle to cross the street or helping someone else, being cautious not to step on the tiny flower that against all odds grew at the edge of the pavement is the same act of kindness. And this luminous golden light stems from an open and warm heart. This type of acting IS YOU. It is not something external like the preaches of enforced religions.
This is the only true non-center "religion" of the Creator echoing in your Soul, because you are likewise reflecting the Source of kindness and abundance with your acts and that is what will be returned into your path ~» — Grigoris Deoudis