«In what we do, the people we relate to, we always leave an energy imprint behind. All those energy imprints are parts of our own energy, like the footprints in the sand.
We can act in two ways to recover energetically. The first is to cut all those energy cords by going there energetically, visualizing the scene, removing us from that scene; thus drawing our own energy back.
The second is to replenish, to refill our energy reservoirs by harmonizing our body layers and receiving cosmic energy from the Omni-conscious perpetual Existence ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
We can act in two ways to recover energetically. The first is to cut all those energy cords by going there energetically, visualizing the scene, removing us from that scene; thus drawing our own energy back.
The second is to replenish, to refill our energy reservoirs by harmonizing our body layers and receiving cosmic energy from the Omni-conscious perpetual Existence ~» — Grigoris Deoudis