«There isn't a more painful experience of two lovers who ignited in their fire and went away again.. The release however comes, when they give the necessary energy-space to each-other to breathe the ethereal visions..
Integrated is the one who is energetically self-created.. and looking at the heart of his soul-mate "sees through" the grid of matter.. he feels the soul memories vibrating.. he "sees" the universe weaving a common energy footprint.. which includes the footprint of all creatures..
Yes.. The fire burns in the fire.. and is unfolding spiraling towards infinity.. The heart truly knows
~» — Grigoris Deoudis,
June 20, 2012
«After the first fire of the erotic-love, there can be time intervals where the lovers stay apart, often see each-other from afar, but not touching each-other. Thinking of each-other but not touching each-other..
Not until in the transformative power of a new moon in Pisces they then can both feed their fire, swirling together in a tantric overnight session of loving vibes.
Now there is enough charcoal to ignite the fire again and again as that transformative energy is expanding their energetic grid.
And their erotic-love passion can last forever ~» — Grigoris Deoudis,
May 13, 2012 at 11:44 pm