Κυριακή 16 Μαΐου 2021

The point of mind control is to create slaves

The depth of our mass programming and manipulation is so vast and so complex, that exceeds one's imagination. From diet - to clothing - to thinking - everything was a script run on you without your consent, from the time you were born.

The (low) level of humans' IQ is really staggering.
  • Smokers read the many health risks on the tobacco package and nevertheless they are addicted smokers, smoking non-stop till they die.
  • They spend thousands to save themselves from cancer and when it seems they have been saved, you see them smoking nicotine, possibly till they die from it.. 😃
  • They were grown up in a system where the majority of others around them are drinking alcohol and without arguing/researching what they are doing they continue drinking that poison. Would you drink petrol? kerosene? Then why are you drinking.. alcohol?
  • Humans are the only creature that keeps drinking milk till they die (subconscious connotation that they are still depended).
  • The natural food of humans is fruits, greens, vegetables, nuts, seeds and sprouts. This is living food that sustains a living organism in order to thrive and not merely survive. Every other animal is eating living food and that is why they are not getting sick. Yet, the "smart" humans were indoctrinated since they were little kids to eat burned food, their sense of taste was therefore altered and they learned to recognise that burnt piece as "food". On top of that, they eat their - small portion - of living food (fruits/salad) at the end of their "meal", making sure as such that all the minerals/vitamins/trace elements will be destroyed (given that meat takes days to completely digest). What they once ate as a "fresh food" is sitting on the top part of their intestine, already began fermenting, already without any true nutritional value whatsoever.
  • As a consequence of their food and life habits humans are getting sick. And even then: instead of searching true healing agents such as herbs, living foods, they keep ingesting chemical bombs, called: pills and "medication".

And after all that, they go and get the jab in order to... not die from a "virus" with 99,6% survival rate. Told ya, the IQ of humans cannot help them see farther than their nose. Dumb of the dumbest wins here... Helpless. Making me think that there's no need to be saved. You can show them once how they are commiting suicide and still they will try  to find those arguments to reject all that. Masters in hypocrisy! 😃 So, you can show them the path once, you can save them once but these adult babies need constant monitoring otherwise they keep falling into the endless pit of idiocy! Therefore, I don't think they need to be saved when they cannot see past their nose. The effort is to save the children! They have done nothing wrong, they are vulnerable and they need to be protected from dangers they are unaware of.