Παρασκευή 30 Ιανουαρίου 2015

«And if you as a mortal who seeks knowledge, cannot find a satisfactory truth; so is similarly the tendency of the occult to remain hidden, when there are no ears to listen. For, the knowledge that exceeds space and time exceeds as well, the given understanding of man ~» — Grigoris Deoudis

Τρίτη 4 Νοεμβρίου 2014

Where Trees Go to Drink

image: Where Trees Go to Drink | music: Acritarcha - Dirge (click below to listen)

«The seasons are passing by in fast forward as his eyes are stuck to the ceiling of the firmament.
Senses, coming out of the pockets of his mind, slowly moving, like colorful snakes, gently bending around the tree of forevermore, forming garlands of unprecedented beauty as they are dreaming of the unperceived chaotic flow.
Rivertold secrets are floating on the murmuring waters, merging the deeper feelings of the bottom with the sunny touches of the river bed.
We are destined to dream, the dream of the ever told, constantly floating in that dreamerland, starring in awe as the trees are drinking from the waters of our youth.

Visions are gathering in the horizon, to rain down and wash away the sins of the sage. Seahorses galloping in rainbowinged waves, to be there the exact time, when the trumpets are echoing the beholden shrines. I am coming before the dawn, to witness the bare light ~» — Grigoris Deoudis

Δευτέρα 3 Νοεμβρίου 2014

Εγώ Ειμί

«Υπάρχουν δύο περιοχές. Η περιοχή του «εδώ» "here" και η περιοχή του «Εγώ Ειμί» "I AM". Ή αλλιώς, τα γήινα πεδία και τα πεδία των άστρων. Και θαρρείς χμ.. κάποιοι από εμάς γεννιόμαστε με το κεφάλι χωμένο στ' άστρα. Ανάλαφρα τριγυρνάμε στις αίθουσες του απέραντου Ουράνιου Θόλου και μέσα μας και πάλι κοιτάζουμε, για να μπορέσουμε να καθρεφτίσουμε όλη αυτή την αχώρετη απέραντη Ουράνια Αλήθεια και να σιγήσουμε με δέος στο μεγαλείο της ~» — Grigoris Deoudis

Κυριακή 26 Οκτωβρίου 2014

The prisoner and the monk

Two men were walking inside the forest. One of them is young he is just released from prison where he spent 10 years. The other man is rather old, he is a monk, living isolated on a mountain.
The young man knew the monk since they were kids and he asked to see him as he wanted to change friends and change a path in life in general.

Suddenly, as they were walking inside the forest they noticed a beautiful young woman standing close to the edge of the peak, admiring the view of the valley below.

The young man, who he had just released from prison, haven't see a woman for ten years couldn't believe his eyes as the young woman was very pretty. He rolled his eyes wide open and whispered to the monk.
"Oh my! Do you see that?! Oh my! I can't believe my luck! My my my, how beautiful she is man! Listen, I want to go and talk to her. Uhm.. do you mind? if.."
The monk looked at the beautiful young woman, then looked at the young man and after a long pause, he smiled and replied.
"You can do whatever you need to do. Personally speaking, I am not interested about that beautiful woman."
The young man happily surprised, he rolled his eyes once more and he replied.
"I can't believe my luck! Man!!.. there's not even competition!"
And after a small pause he continued.
"Well, I haven't see you for many years.. ya know.. perhaps.. perhaps you are not interested in women.. sorry, have no intention.. but.. anyhow I am surprised to hear that. We were both living alone, I assume without relations with women for you as well, and.. you are not interested about that woman ?!?" He smiled and added "I am really surprised. Do you mind telling me how is that possible?"
The monk smiled and replied back.
"Listen. It doesn't have to do with that, and for your information I were always interested about women. But.. I have long come to realize, that, that woman is just an illusion. In a way, she doesn't exist. She is a projection of my senses. If I shut off all of my senses that woman will vanish from my perception. She will disappear. You see, all those 20 years living in the mountains, I am meditating for prolonged periods of time daily, shutting off my senses to the external stimuli in order to exceed the identity of myself. In order to find who I truly am."
The young man wanted to go and speak to that woman but he thought he could hear a bit more of that story before he go. And he added.
"That's unusual to hear. I see the young woman will stay there. Continue please, I want to learn how it ended. Did you find yourself?"
The monk, after a short pause, he continued.
"By shutting off the external stimuli, one is diving within, he is entering different realms and hence, the sense of the known self, with all of his memories, notions, hatred, attachments, expectations are thus dissolving. They are transformed from the inflow of the higher energy. Because only the higher frequency can change the lower frequency. All that have simply no longer a meaning. It's like the view of that woman at the valley below. Do you think she would be interested that moment to think about the tiny ants living down there? Or.. perhaps, she is more interested to admire the beauty of the valley below her feet?"
And the monk continued.
"It's all a matter of perception and the way one looks. One can have a new pair of eyes to look into the world. And the world will either disappear or it will be restructured. There comes a moment, where the structure of everything, every texture feels different. In fact, it feels like no other known human sense can ever bring forth."

After a long silent pause, the two men looked at each other. Without saying a word they farewelled each other and they continued on their paths.

There can be diverse prisons in one's life and nonetheless that person could never see his or her own limitations, all those which are preventing that person from reaching their true potential. From addictions such as nicotine, alcohol, narcotics etc to the broader limitations that are raised high like invisible walls. Things that we are taught from a very young age and as such they become part of our thinking. And someone could spend a whole life and still never question about them. Things like the value of imposed systems in one's life, such as the religion, the government, the educational system etc. And to sincerely ask oneself, if the existence of any imposed system in one's life could make a better world to live for all people alike, that are equally sharing their lives under the same sky.

Grigoris Deoudis

Σάββατο 25 Οκτωβρίου 2014

«Timeless, dimensionless higher form of order. Solidity does not exist, we simply fail to perceive the molecular realm, the coherent form of electrons bonded together.

What is real? One opens his eyes and he sees the world, he closes his eyes and the world no longer exists (try that with all of your senses).
So, what is real? Certainly, not what the senses tell us about reality. How awkward that is, to be able and perceive the abundance of the whole Cosmos with only... five to six senses! We have lost everything in the process of entering into this dense world and clothing the flesh. The flesh is surrounding us like a prison, we can't escape from who we think we are and meet the True Self. We see things in an anthropocentrically manner. We can't perceive the subtlety of those realms, realms that exist beyond our perception. We are literally drown in our self-similarity. Drown spiritually by choosing to live in this mundane world. We took ourselves for granted, because we had a false vision about who we are ~» — Grigoris Deoudis