Σάββατο 19 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Christmas - the Birth of Light, within

song: Anugama – Tantric Day (album: Tantra)

Where I come from, everything vibrates in Light..
Where I come from, is a place of unity and joy..
Where I come from, you were never born and you shall never die..
Where I come from, there are no lines between people..
Where I come from, there are no contexts and concepts regarding the spiritual realm; there is no path towards the truth, Truth is the path.
Where I come from, there are no symbols dividing people, separating them from the Light...
..said the soul.

There comes this point in time and space, where you will make your choice; the choice to evolve into the habitant of the New Earth, with its new subtle frequency in a different dimension, or, to remain as your habitual self, repeating all those patterns that you taught in their schools, waving flags and banners, continuing to be the obedient dog of the master, ready to support their newly promoted campaigns and wars.

There comes a point where you felt the call, to unify with the Light; or continue your illusion of separation, division and duality. You cannot continue raising flags, waving banners and say that you are working with Light, because Light is all about unity, it's all about remembering who you truly are and what is your mission on this planet. We are here to remind to each other, with love, that each one of us is potentially a Light-Worker. Each one of us is here to evolve and help others evolve into the New Earth.

This New Earth and the shift exists internally, your choices and actions will shift you there intra-dimensionally and all this stems from within, naturally, effortlessly, joyfully.
Planet Earth is shifting into a new dimension where all those habitual choices that people support with their actions, choices that perpetuate the illusion of separation and duality, will become relics of the past. They will continue to be there, but in a different dimension/frequency. The new human race -in the new Earth- shall realize what was already known in the antiquity, that everything is alive and it vibrates, it has consciousness and it's sacred in their own respective vibratory frequency. Everything is part of everything else and they all exist entangled in a holographic reality beyond our grasp. Therefore, harming a small part of this 'Vibrant Alive Pattern' brings harm to all the parts, meaning simply that we are harming our own self. What we send out is what we receive back. Likewise, helping, doing good to others, spreading Light with our thoughts and deeds, we also help our self, because we are a reflection onto each-others crystal lake.
Seeing the light is being unified in the essence of the Light. Working with Light means you understand those basic principles of the spiritual laws of the energy vibrating in these dense material fields here on planet Earth.

There is no separation, there is no division; I am your mirror and you are mine, learning from each-other, as we learn how to love each-other, learning our most important lesson here on planet Earth. Working with Light means bringing that unity here and now, bridging people of any race and colour together, helping them see their Light in themselves, not sustaining the illusion of duality and separation any more, what we taught in their schools. Schools supporting their dualistic system of manipulation and control, perpetuating war and destruction, both externally and internally. Because when I am at war with my neighbor, I am at war with myself. When one country is at war with another country, it means that these people are trapped in the collective dream (nightmare in fact) of their manipulators, projecting that onto their lives, choosing that for their reality. Being at war, means I have failed to realize that me and my neighbor are the same. That there is no need to fight something, or I will be fighting myself. There are only choices to be made; there are bridges to be built.

That is, the essence of the teaching we need to realize and become the mirror reflecting the image of the Source, or God or by any other name you want to call the Absolute. That is, working with the Light.

Can you sense the infinite waters of creation reigning down? It's pure joy and bliss!

May this Christmas the Birth of Light shine the way inside each and every one of you ~

Παρασκευή 20 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

Masculine/Feminine ~ Yin/Yang ☯

Ardhanarishvara (अर्धनारीश्वर) or the androgynous state of being beyond the illusion of duality.

Each one of us has two rivers inside with opposite/compensated flow; the yin and the yang; the masculine and the feminine; both are polarities of the essence of One inside ones own psyche, where the One is in fact plural, meaning All that exists and ever existed.

We flow to one river and we bring back one element and then we flow to the other river in order to bring back a different element. This motion resembles the ebb and the tide in the sea. There is always an energy going and an energy returning back. As long as we are trapped inside this duality, we are destined to rock back and forth; endlessly. Hence I see no liberation from this repetitive motion, which can be traced back into psychological patterns inside, throughout our whole life.

The transcendance of the term "sexes" (male and female) is another victory towards the path of self-realization and self-liberation from the repetitive patterns of duality. Everything on this dense world of fluidity exists in dipoles and is expressed in/from dipoles.
In order to transcend this we have first to accept and embrace the feminine part inside of us (for men); and the masculine part (for women).
It is in our inner Sacred Union of the feminine with the masculine; or the masculine with the feminine that all struggle cease to exist; it is an alchemical wedding of the opposite/compensated energies.
Ardhanarishvara (अर्धनारीश्वर) or the androgynous state of being beyond the illusion of duality. The two rivers are now flowing into the ocean of Love. And we proceed further upwards, to experience the vibrations of subtler energies ~

Τετάρτη 18 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

Have you been hurt?

Psyche Opening the Golden Box by John William Waterhouse,
oil on canvas (1903)
Perhaps you feel hurt from a certain situation. Perhaps you are boiling inside; much like a volcano, because of the unjust way they have treated you.
But, in fact, what makes it difficult is your own interpretation; your specific response to the situation. Each one is responsible for his/her behavior.
As peace comes from within; likewise also sorrow comes from within.
When you realize that deeply within yourself, then you will reach a certain plateau of self-transformation. Then your actions meet your feelings; your feelings meet your thoughts. And it's such an astonishing sensation to meet again that person in front of the mirror; and the mirror is almost transparent now ~

Τρίτη 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

Animal Equality

Observe the lamb, her face. Could you ever do something like --I find it even difficult to express it in words-- kill an innocent being like that? Most people would answer no. Observe how much the young cow is seeking to be caressed. She is seeking love and connection and it is very obvious.
These animals have feelings, they feel compassion and they seek the connection with all other beings that can express love, such as ourselves. These animals are our friends. We can express our love towards them and receive back love. You have perhaps a pet that you love and cherish. A dog or cat. If I may ask, how can you love your dog and... "eat" other intelligent and emotional beings such as these? If your answer previously was "no" that you can't take the life of creatures such as those, then please, exclude them from your diet.
No one scolds you, we can help change someone only with love. So, no one scolds you, you already had too much from many people around you that want to take from you and drain you. But deep inside, you need to be loved and so these creatures need as well--as you have clearly observe by yourself.
I am just asking you to think and most importantly --to feel deeply within you-- that you can start changing your diet habits. Yes, those are just eating habits. We have been taught as kids the irrationality --which leads to psychological complexes-- that at 10:00 am we can go to the garden and play with the rabbit and express our deepest love. And then --just like nothing has happened-- at 14:30 pm we sit on the table to eat and our mother brings.. pieces of the corps of a rabbit, that someone else killed, then the corpse was cooked, and that we learnt to call... food...
Meat is not necessary in our diet --so don't worry about that-- you won't be losing anything, in fact! meat and animal fat are unhealthy and they cause many health problems in the long run.
Consider this today, right now.. make the shift inside; evolve into your higher self ~