Τρίτη 20 Δεκεμβρίου 2011

«The Temple of Divine delights. It has continuous hours of service. Just proceed kindly and create the feeling in your heart in order to make it happened! The Temple of the transfiguration... the last secret for the enslaved being has emerged from the shell ~» — Grigoris Deoudis

Δευτέρα 19 Δεκεμβρίου 2011

We are the Omnipresent Consciousness

«The consciousness exists outside of our bodies. It's an Omnipresent Consciousness that we are programmed to receive its vibrational frequency with special and sensitive organs. One of them is the heart field/chakra. Thanks to the etheric energy and its invisible field all around us (scientists can't measure this yet) it is possible the exchange of information from one being to another, something that is also called extrasensory perception.

Every being is interconnected in the Heart field/chakra and when a greater number of individuals will be able to connect their hearts and create specific emotional vibrations, then miracles will start happening. And miracle is just another word that our currently limited perception named as such, unable to perceive something of a higher and subtler vibration ~
» — Grigoris Deoudis

Σάββατο 3 Δεκεμβρίου 2011

«Who can divide that blue sky? Only the ones with a divided spirit, bouncing in duality, like sea waves lost between the ebb and tide» — Grigoris Deoudis

Παρασκευή 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2011

Δημήτρης Δημητριάδης περί Λόγο-Τεχνίας

Τον έχουν χαρακτηρίσει σνομπ και ακατανόητο. «Η ίδια η γλώσσα είναι σνομπ», λέει ο Δημήτρης Δημητριάδης. «Όταν δεν μπορούμε να εκφραστούμε, μπερδεύουμε τα λόγια μας, χρησιμοποιούμε ένα μικρό φάσμα λέξεων, είναι η ίδια η γλώσσα που αρχίζει να μη μας καταδέχεται και να γίνεται σνομπ.
Απεχθάνομαι αυτήν τη λεγόμενη λαϊκότητα και την εύκολη πρόσβαση την οποία αποκτά η γραφή στη σημερινή λογοτεχνία. Σήμερα, διάφοροι κύριοι και κυρίες γράφουν μια λογοτεχνία που υποβιβάζει τον αναγνώστη και την ίδια τη λογοτεχνία. Η λογοτεχνία δεν αρκείται στον εαυτό της, είναι μια συνεχής αναζήτηση. Γι' αυτό και όλες οι μεγάλες εποχές της είναι ανατροπές του πριν, ουσιαστικές ρήξεις που έχουν στόχο και αγγίζουν άμεσα το ζήτημα που ονομάζουμε σήμερα κρίση. Το κυριότερο χαρακτηριστικό της κρίσης είναι η αποτελμάτωση. Που έχει στοιχεία φιλαρέσκειας, βολέματος, εφησυχασμού.

Πηγή: Τα ΝΕΑ

Πέμπτη 1 Δεκεμβρίου 2011

In a matter of speaking...

«- What really matters?...
Have you seen a kid playing alone, how important are those toys for him?... His whole world.
We are bigger children, we have different toys.
And we gave significance to those toys. We made them our whole world.
We even let them ruling our lives...
...Mice speed-of-light running wheels...inner-galactic journeys of the coherent mind that can't get out of the grid.
Hey, where I left my exit doorway?

The void is ticking in the depths of existence, but who is there to carry the grief?
Oh water what you're doing to me? Have I drunk you or you've shift me farther within?
Am I alive or it's just the consciousness having a life-time experience through me?» — Grigoris Deoudis

Τετάρτη 30 Νοεμβρίου 2011

division ~

«It is not we that is thinking. The thoughts are a part of the morphogenetic field that is all over the planet Earth and perhaps in other planets also. And this is vibrations of energy that different people receive different parts in different time. We receive the information with our holistic body (physical, astral, mental, spiritual). The initial information is divided and transferred to each center, as it is entering in our holistic body in order to be experienced.
We can't perceive something greater without having the need to chop it down to smaller "bites". Any form of division starts from that point.

A thought is a signal, we are carriers, we are delivering shreds of consciousness around us. We are the vehicle for the hyper-consciousness to manifest.
I have not thought of all this, it has been delivered to me ~» — Grigoris Deoudis

Τρίτη 29 Νοεμβρίου 2011

It does not require many words to speak the truth

«It does not require many words to speak the truth» — Chief Joseph Nez Perce

«And at first one has to see the truth, in order to speak about it. And since he sees the truth and speaks about it, he has become the truth. » — Grigoris Deoudis

dreaming ~

note: the image above is not mine, found it from the iNet

«Humanity is like a creature that was born and raised in the desert, knowing only what it's like to live in the desert, seeing only sand and wind, sand sculpting by the wind, wind shaping the sand. Not ever knowing that there are beautiful green forests with water and diversity of animals and plants and waterfalls and beautiful flowers.
Some of those creatures were only dreaming of those weird images of trees covered with green moss in the morning dew. Even fewer of those ones, believed once in their dreams and despite the isolation of the others they were determined to go and find their dream-lands.
And thus became... ~» — Grigoris Deoudis

Σάββατο 26 Νοεμβρίου 2011

The Masonic plan for economic deceive and enslavement of the population

Some years ago the Greek banks were giving loans for every reason. Vacation loan, Marriage loan, loan for this loan for that. Along with that they would call you in the middle of your dinner to "inform" you that you can have this and that credit card for free. The Greek citizens borrowed plastic money trying to fulfill a life according to the commercials on the TV. To be such happy people, always smiling-just like at the commercials!
Several years later we come to the present time. The inside job with Greece marked with success. The rating agencies downgraded the Greek economy and now we have Mr. Loukas Papademos as a prime minister-an economist and true representative and member of Goldman Sachs. The Greece has gotten the way to the bottom, now it's time to deal with other countries of the EU until they all collapse to the banker’s tyranny.

Now the next victim is Italy. The rating agencies (Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Fitch etc.) have downgraded the ratings of 8 Italian banks.

Just like as Greece the following steps will be complete privatization of the most profitable companies.

The whole plan is to prepare the world all over the globe for the World Bank. When the world bank will have all the money and the people will be starving, maybe it's wise to remember why we remained inactive, sitting on our chair with the TV control switching between the cables of our corrupt and manipulated brain.

People have to wake up and reclaim their lives from the claws of the bankers. There is a whole Earth alive and vibrant, producing goods for every species, for everyone. There is not economical depression. The only depression is the lack of ability for humans to align with Nature and thus, fighting their own nature.
This is a certain recipe for failure. — Grigoris Deoudis

Watch a more completely detailed story of the way down...:

«There are these peaceful serene moments of silence, reaching completeness, when you are re-connecting with your center within ~
Know yourself, Love yourself.» —Grigoris Deoudis

Τετάρτη 23 Νοεμβρίου 2011

Αλόη Βέρα. Διαχωρισμός και φύτευση των μωρών φυτών

Πριν κάνα δυο εβδομάδες αγόρασα ακόμη μια Αλόη Βέρα και από ότι πρόσεξα είχε ήδη 6 μωρά φυτά.

Like unborn babies, blinded inside the mother's womb ~

Bab'Aziz: If the baby in the darkness of its mother's womb were told:
"Outside there's a world of light, with high mountains, great seas, undulating plains, beautiful gardens in blossom, brooks, a sky full of stars and a blazing sun... And you, facing all these marvels, stay enclosed in this darkness..."
The unborn child, knowing nothing about this marvels, wouldn't believe any of it. Like us, when we' re facing death. That's why we' re afraid.

Hassan: But there can't be light in death, because it's the end of everything.
Bab'Aziz: How can death be the end of something that doesn't have a beginning? Hassan, my son, don't be sad on my wedding night.
Hassan: Your wedding night?
Bab'Aziz: Yes. My marriage with eternity.

duration: 96 min

Τετάρτη 16 Νοεμβρίου 2011

Goldman Sachs, Παπαδήμος και αυτοί που κυβερνούν τον κόσμο

Δίκτυο επιρροής της αμερικανικής επενδυτικής τράπεζας Goldman Sachs στην Ευρώπη, επισημαίνει στο πρωτοσέλιδο της Le Monde και ο συντάκτης του άρθρου Marc Roche. Χαρακτηρίζει δε “διακριτική» την παρουσία της τράπεζας στον ευρωπαικό οικονομικοπολιτικό χώρο, ενώ εντοπίζει το κοινό που έχουν οι Μάριο Ντράνγκι, Μάριο Μόντι και Λουκάς Παπαδήμος. Όπως επισημαίνει δεν είναι άλλο από την περιβόητη επενδυτική τράπεζα Goldman Sachs.
Στο «διακριτικό» δίκτυο επιρροής της αμερικανικής επενδυτικής τράπεζας ανήκουν άμεσα ή έμμεσα ο Μάριο Ντράγκι, αντιπρόεδρος της Goldman Sachs στην Ευρώπη την περίοδο 2002-2005, ο Μάριο Μόντι, διεθνής σύμβουλος της τράπεζας μέχρι το 2005 και ο Λουκάς Παπαδήμος, επικεφαλής της Τράπεζας της Ελλάδος την περίοδο 1994-2002.

Μέλη της Goldman Sachs σε όλο τον κόσμο (ΔΕΙΤΕ ΤΟ)

Τρίτη 15 Νοεμβρίου 2011

«All has been revealed. You simply live another life in another time and space. You will find yourself to the "place" when the time will ripe ~» —Grigoris Deoudis
 «Love me without fear. Trust me without questioning.
Need me without demanding. Want me without restrictions.
Accept me without change. Desire me without inhibitions.
For a love so free, will never fly away.» — Dick Sutphen

Δευτέρα 14 Νοεμβρίου 2011

painting by Alex Grey: Ocean of Love Bliss

«Η σημαντικότερη ένωση σε αυτή τη ζωή είναι η επανένωση δυο ανθρώπων στον υψηλότερο δυνατό κραδασμικό βαθμό.
Μετά... ο χρόνος και ο χώρος παύει να υπάρχει ως αντίληψη, γίνεται βίωμα ~
» — Γρηγόρης Δεούδης

Παρασκευή 11 Νοεμβρίου 2011

Cut trees

«It is the tree that teaches us how to live. Cutting the trees we prove to ourselves, we can't appreciate life.» — Grigoris Deoudis
«If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself.
Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.» — Lao Tzu

Πέμπτη 10 Νοεμβρίου 2011

Για να θυμόμαστε ποιος ήταν ο Παπαδήμος ...

Αναρτήθηκε από: Πολίτης Κάιν ~ ιστολόγιο

Εκλεκτός του Σημίτη, διοργανωτής της υποτίμησης της δραχμής, ο καθοδηγητής των  μετοχοδάνειων, υπεύθυνος για τη δημιουργική λογιστική για την είσοδο της Ελλάδας στην ευρωζώνη,και δραπέτης ένα βράδυ για την ε.κ.τ. για να λάβει αμνησία...

Ένα άρθρο από εκείνη την εποχή στην ελευθεροτυπία, των Γιάννη Αγγελή και Βασίλη Γεώργα στις 11/08/1999, με τίτλο “Tι κρύβει το ράλι της Tράπεζας Eλλάδος”:

Το άρθρο είχε τίτλο “Tι κρύβει το ράλι της Tράπεζας Eλλάδος”:
“Δεν υπάρχει καπνός χωρίς φωτιά”, λέει η παροιμία, αλλά αυτό δεν σημαίνει ότι η ποσότητα του καπνού που αναθρώσκει, δικαιολογείται πάντα από την ένταση της φωτιάς που τον γεννά…
Στην περίπτωση όμως της τιμής της μετοχής της Τράπεζας της Ελλάδος, η οποία έχει ξεπεράσει τις 160.000 δραχμές, σημειώνοντας άνοδο της τάξης του 350% από τις αρχές του χρόνου (160% σε 12 ημέρες), έχουν δημιουργηθεί ερωτήματα όσον αφορά τη σχέση του ‘καπνού’ και της ‘φωτιάς’.(…)
(…) H άνοδος αυτή σημειώνεται με ελάχιστο όγκο συναλλαγών, ο οποίος σπάνια ξεπερνά τα 3.000 τεμάχια ημερησίως, σε σύνολο 2.979.733 μετοχών. (…)
Πάντως στη χρηματιστηριακή αγορά, πέραν των διαφόρων ‘σεναρίων’ που ακούγονται τις τελευταίες ημέρες, οι πληροφορίες θέλουν δέκα τουλάχιστον γνωστά πρόσωπα του εγχώριου επιχειρηματικού κόσμου, οι οποίοι είναι ‘παλιοί’ μέτοχοι της ΤτΕ, να ‘παίζουν’ τη μετοχή σε μια προσπάθεια να ‘εξισορροπήσουν’, όπως ισχυρίζονται, την τιμή της με τις υπόλοιπες μετοχές του τραπεζικού κλάδου.

Παρασκευή 4 Νοεμβρίου 2011

«Even if many of us don't care about what specific religions are teaching, those in control (the ones behind the puppet-politicians) have involved the whole world in their religious schedules. It is not politics that rule this world, but fanatic religious dinosaurs.» — Grigoris Deoudis
«It is not happy people who are thankful; It is thankful people who are happy» — Crystal on November 4, 2011

Πέμπτη 3 Νοεμβρίου 2011

100 σταυροί στην πλατεία δελ Σολ στη Μαδρίτη, στα πλαίσια της Παγκόσμιας Ημέρας Veganism 2011

1 Νοεμ. 2011 — Το κέντρο της Μαδρίτης μετατρέπεται σε νεκροταφείο όταν η μη κερδοσκοπική οργάνωση 'Animal Equality' (Ισότητα των Ζώων) Ισπανίας, επέλεξε να σηματοδοτήσει την παγκόσμια ημέρα χορτοφαγίας (World Vegan Day), τοποθετώντας 100 (εκατό) σταυρούς στην πλατεία Πλάζα δελ Σολ (Plaza del Sol) εις ανάμνησιν των μη ανθρωπίνων θυμάτων, αποτέλεσμα ενός μη-χορτοφαγικού τρόπου ζωής.

Ο κάθε σταυρός συνοδεύεται από τη φωτογραφία ενός ζώου που υπήρξε θύμα εκμετάλλευσης ή/και θανατώθηκε σε κάποια φάρμα, εργαστήριο, σφαγείο, τσίρκο, ζωολογικό κήπο, σε αγώνες ή κυνήγι. Από κοτοπουλάκια μέχρι τσιντσιλά και από γαλοπούλες μέχρι τίγρεις.

Εκτιμάται οτι η μετάβαση σε μια vegan διατροφή (αποχή σίτισης από το κρέας και τα παράγωγά του όπως αυγά, γάλα κ.λ.π.) μπορούν να σωθούν έως και 100 ζώα από αυτά που βρίσκουν οδυνηρό θάνατο κάθε χρόνο. Αυτό γίνεται κυρίως αφήνοντας τα ζωικά προϊόντα μακριά από τα πιάτα μας.
Επέλεξε σήμερα κιόλας μια χορτοφαγική διατροφή.

Πηγή: animal equality
Μετάφραση/απόδοση: Πολίτης Κάιν

Τετάρτη 2 Νοεμβρίου 2011

«If we would follow the small to its smallest it would led us via a shortcut to the infinitely large. Everything is mirroring and we are just caught intermediate the reflections of these images that we are so little to tell. Hence, we are slaves of the term 'perception'. We named it such because we simply can't be present at what is happening here and there, at what is happening throughout time and space (since we divided also that one).

We are the tiny wise creatures of the universe, thinking through multiple and infinite divisions.» — Grigoris Deoudis

Παρασκευή 28 Οκτωβρίου 2011

Πέμπτη 27 Οκτωβρίου 2011

“Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see,
only as much as I dream can I be.” — Karen Ravn

Τετάρτη 26 Οκτωβρίου 2011

«Spiral: The sacred circle that moves through time unfolding itself. The serpent is climbing the tree of Knowledge, where knowledge are the ripples you are able to feel, as you see them on the surface of the lake, changing your essence ~» — Grigoris Deoudis

Σάββατο 2 Ιουλίου 2011

«If you had the chance to watch the Earth from far far away, you would easily understood that all your problems, concerns, hatred are so tiny and with no meaning at all, because what matters is the connection to the Spiritual Kingdom of realities. There anything is possible and everything is made so to fulfill the needs of your Soul.
Be the Eagle, fly high ~» — Grigoris Deoudis

Κυριακή 26 Ιουνίου 2011

Τεστ της φωτογραφικής μου μηχανής

Μη επεξεργασμένες φωτογραφίες σε φυσικό μέγεθος

Exif data:
  • mode: Aperture priority
  • on tripod
  • VR on
  • f/18
  • Exposure time: 1/20 sec.
  • ISO auto (3200)
  • Focal length: 48mm
  • Max aperture: 4.9
  • Metering mode: Center weighted average
  • Flash: off
  • Sharpness: hard
  • White balance: auto

Κυριακή 15 Μαΐου 2011

Freedom starts from the heart ~

Don't rely to your senses to define reality. The sound waves, are including also frequencies that we can't hear. The light waves, are including also frequencies that we can't see and the same goes on and on for all of our senses.
The sun can hide behind your finger, but all it takes is that effort to find another angle. All it takes is being able to see the sun.

We are the result and the summation of a lesser reality, which we seek to perceive through the process of thinking. Therefore, you should see now clearly that the mind sets traps to the self. The process of thought is the basis of every conflict inward and outward, because where there is thought there is duality and where there is duality, fear starts to develop.

There is a learning process in which we are able to feel the vibrations directly from the cosmos, if we open our heart field to receive this abundance of knowledge. This learning process can begin each moment from everyone by himself.
Knowledge cannot be accumulated in the mind, this is not knowledge but rather an accumulation of the beliefs of others from the start of human time. Knowledge can only be felt, can only be sensed from a sensitive being-which is a being full of senses!

The reality cannot be explained by the schismatic mind, it can only be felt. And when we know how to do this we are opening ourselves to the Cosmic Light of Creation.
You are the Creator for yourself and a co-Creator of/for the Universe. Open your heart, not your mind ♥~Grigoris Deoudis

Σάββατο 30 Απριλίου 2011

«In the future the children will obtain knowledge directly from the Universe and they will move away from parents that haven’t develop themselves psychologically and spiritually. Evolution is calling. Children will be teaching new ways of Living.» — Grigoris Deoudis

Κυριακή 10 Απριλίου 2011

«Our fragmented perception cannot conceive the omni-sense Existence. We are caught in the web of ultra-perception like flies, unable to fly anymore. We lie to the quality of our soul as the ultimate castle of freedom to fall down, separating the visible matter from the space dust.» — Grigoris Deoudis

Πέμπτη 7 Απριλίου 2011

Παρασκευή 1 Απριλίου 2011

«We can’t avoid what it’s going to happen, but we can redefine our approach. This way we are responsible participants, with a leading role in creating the life we need.» — Grigoris Deoudis

Δευτέρα 28 Μαρτίου 2011

«Soft and silky are your senses right now, transparent, lighter than a feather, lifted up to the air, like the prayer of that child with those wide open eyes, a crystal clear glance like the heaven, staring at the core of your existence, making you feel ashamed for what you have done and thoughtful of what you are going to do from now on.» — Grigoris Deoudis
«Let us liberate ourselves from any form of control. Let us focus at the inner drum, where the rhythm aligns with that of our heart. The measure of responsibility, equals to the need for evolution. Just listen, the inner child, let it whisper in your ear.» — Grigoris Deoudis

Τετάρτη 23 Μαρτίου 2011

«Without Psychological Evolution there cannot be any form of revolution. The self is constantly changing. Be involved, be evolved, be revolutionized as lucent and fresh as the new wave hitting at the shore. Become the Sea of Changes. It starts from within.» — Grigoris Deoudis
«Feel within, the pure and unconditional Love and embrace all.» — Grigoris Deoudis

Τρίτη 22 Μαρτίου 2011

«Freedom is to stand naked at the moment, having no expectations, nothing to lose or to gain. The empty then is fulfilled, just to be emptied again at the next moment. The Absolute Freedom is, to become every path, at any given moment.» — Grigoris Deoudis
«The words we choose to use when we communicate with each other, carry vibrations. The word ‘war’ carries a whole different vibration than the word ‘peace’. The words we use are showing how we think and how we feel. The careful selection of words, helps to elevate our consciousness and resonate in higher frequencies.» — Grigoris Deoudis

Κυριακή 13 Μαρτίου 2011

«Death is a part of Life, they are dancing together the dance of infinity in front of the gates of Time. We can live our dreams as we are dreaming our future. Time is the Endless Consciousness» — Grigoris Deoudis

Παρασκευή 11 Μαρτίου 2011

«The unfolding of a Spermatic Aura like a sheet in the Universe. That we are ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
«Prosperity cannot be experienced by living detached from Nature. Everything else is only a gradation of materialistic, earthly ambitions. We came from the stars and there lies the path to our substantive evolution.» — Grigoris Deoudis

Δευτέρα 7 Μαρτίου 2011

«You have the illusion of using your own brain to think. In fact you are a Vehicle, a Vessel of the Supreme Consciousness but the given human senses doesn’t allow any space for this sort of concept. The Supreme Consciousness Exists everywhere in the Universe and “feeds” on/from every being on every Planet. This is called Evolution. You are just a Vehicle, a Vessel.» — Grigoris Deoudis
«Your name doesn’t represent your Existence on this World as a physical organism. Your name is the shadow of the Real You on this market, called society. There is no law able to restrain the Real You.» — Grigoris Deoudis

Weaving Dreams into Reality

«Before the Time erupts all the moments, Spiders taught us how to vibrate our will under the moonlight and how to spin the web of our intent along the riverside.
The thunder-drum taught us how to listen to the sound of our heart and then the thunder struck with all the pride and the thunder heard far away, at every little particle of the sunrise.
And then the Light that shone was so bright that took away all the words out of our mouths.» — Grigoris Deoudis

Κυριακή 6 Μαρτίου 2011

«Every truth casts its shadow as in every shadow lies a truth. The Supremacy of the Being is to master Light and Shadow. In order to do so, one has to become the Light and the Shadow.» — Grigoris Deoudis

Κυριακή 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2011

«In order to fight this system you have to be more crazy than the system itself, but not in a way that they can categorize your craze and put you into jail. Use your imagination.» — Grigoris Deoudis
«What we conquer, what we conceive, it becomes past. That is the greatness of nature that we can only find ourselves to remain stuck in the past. Nature is always a step ahead.» — Grigoris Deoudis
«If all the sand at the hour glass fell down to the bottom, find within you the strength to flip it over and start all over again. Keep on walking. The road unrolled because you have chose to move forward. From that point, you are viewing now the endless paths that once were hidden.» — Grigoris Deoudis
«Every criminal was abused in childhood and every abused child has a potency to become a criminal. The level and degree of criminality reflects the quality of the society.» — Grigoris Deoudis

Κυριακή 20 Φεβρουαρίου 2011

«Freedom is a flow of motion in balance. An aerial dance so free, that is without music and without notes. All you have to do is keep on dancing. Avoid stagnation, it’s a state of no flow, maybe you can call this death.» — Grigoris Deoudis

Σάββατο 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2011

«When your circle of Life will be aligned with the circle of Creation, your Essence will have no center, cause or explanation. You will experience then Completeness ~» — Grigoris Deoudis

Πέμπτη 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2011

«Right now we are heading towards societies where the virtual will become reality and our reality will become virtual. Just as humans are turning into machines and machines gradually will become human-like “creatures” ~» — Grigoris Deoudis

Κυριακή 13 Φεβρουαρίου 2011

«You are perceiving the world around you and you act likewise. How can you go beyond that? Simply, by observing what you do and why you do it. Be clear to yourself and you will experience everything in a new dimension. The clearer you are, the deeper and better you will be able to perceive everything around you in clarity ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
«I meet people and they enforce me their culture and then I choose to fly away and I meet other people and these people force me their religion and I wanna fly away. I meet other people, these people are silent, we begin to sing the song of the ocean and then we fly away together ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
«People usually seek to join a religious system in order to gain the eternal bliss and freedom of the soul. But belonging somewhere; anywhere is not freedom. Free is the wind. You need to become the wind, not wanting to know how and why, but only to experience this quality of freedom that leads to the original “religion”. There the soul is finally ONE and aligned with anything.» — Grigoris Deoudis
«Roses and thorns are parts of the same plant. Somehow though, some people are concerned mainly about the roses. The rose is not on the plant for more than a week, but the thorns are there forever.
Roses are teaching that the beauty of life will bloom, once you have taught yourself the lessons given by living with the thorns.» — Grigoris Deoudis
«Every moment is a crossroad in time. Consider that, as above so below and as inside so outside and live accordingly.» — Grigoris Deoudis