Τρίτη 10 Ιουλίου 2012

«The bowing gesture is not a sign of subordination. Realizing that in fact there is no self, rather only the reflected Divine unlimited essence within, incarnated into a vessel of flesh and bones, then bowing to each other, to every aspect of life is understanding and respecting life itself in it's totality and sanctity. Where exists the feeling of respect, compassion starts to grow. And where there is compassion there is love.
It is the awareness that you see yourself reflected in everything, as everything comes from the stars and the Divine has no form, but only vibrations of light and sound braided into endless energetic grids, that unifies all beings in a sacred manner. Everything is sacred, everything is touched by the divine.
We become the vibrations, transmitting from the core of our being, recognizing each other in this sacred path of life ~» — Grigoris Deoudis

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