Τετάρτη 15 Οκτωβρίου 2014

The atom structure parable ~

«From the macrocosm to the microcosm everything is consisted by atoms. Atoms is what you made from. The basic structure of the atom is made up of three building blocks: protons, neutrons, electrons. Protons and neutrons are about the same size and weight and form the center of the atom and together they form the nucleus, which is like an egg surrounding the protons and neutrons. The electrons are very tiny particles existing outside of the "egg" (nucleus), constantly spinning around the nucleus with a negative electric charge. While the protons and the neutrons have a positive and neutral electric charge respectively.

This is the core of everything existing, everywhere.

Now. What that teaches us? It teaches us that the core of who we are is the "egg", it can be both positive and neutral and is protected from the negativity surrounding it, which is constantly spinning around it. This is the Essence of equilibrium, teaching us that all forces exist around us, and that all forces are important for the continuation of Life, of all Life. If we let negativity get inside the "egg" the whole system would fall apart. The same would happen if the positive/neutral would go out of the nucleus.

Now. Everything of these exchanges information with one another but it's important to hold their position. The electrons are constantly spinning around the "egg" and even they are much more smaller, they are too many. Again, that teaches us, that negativity is all around us, but we ought to hold our ground for the continuation of the system, we ought to keep the "egg" protected, the core of who we are. The whole thing is like, negativity is constantly teasing, bringing to the surface things in order to stir the interest and examine them, looking them from different perspectives. It's like something I recently read "If something doesn't challenge you, it won't change you".

So, that is the basic "recipe" for equilibrium in life. We learn and we grow when we dare to go beyond and expand, but we have to keep the center, our core protected.

And then when one has mastered the manipulation of that electrical circuit inside him, that individual can conquer the whole world, because the whole world is the holographic reflection of the tiniest particle back to the pool ~» — Grigoris Deoudis

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