Deception is an act or statement which misleads, hides the truth, or promotes a belief, concept, or idea that is not true. It is often done for personal gain or advantage. Deception can involve dissimulation, propaganda, and sleight of hand, as well as distraction, camouflage, or concealment. Niccolò Machiavelli said: “Never attempt to win by force what can be won by deception.” The deception when comes from the state, has evolved into the art of hacking humans. It could be called social engineering, but in fact is way more sinister, it totally lacks any moral values and is imposed from the State which man thinks its sole purpose is to protect their rights. But that is the product of dark psychological manipulation, reinforced by deception. What therefore is infecting many citizens worldwide is not a physical virus, but rather a mind-virus. The victim as such has been infected mentally, by letting themselves exposed to one-sided, mainstream and "politically-correct" information, that was carefully engineered and extensively tested in behavioral-camps. The biggest problem is that they won't see it coming, until it's too late. As Walt Whitman said: "Re-examine all that you have been told, and dismiss whatever insults your soul" ~