«When you are nice and kind then kindness and goodness will be reflected back to you. When you are violent and mean, that is what will be returned to you.
Helping the turtle to cross the street or helping someone else, being cautious not to step on the tiny flower that against all odds grew at the edge of the pavement is the same act of kindness. And this luminous golden light stems from an open and warm heart. This type of acting IS YOU. It is not something external like the preaches of enforced religions.
This is the only true non-center "religion" of the Creator echoing in your Soul, because you are likewise reflecting the Source of kindness and abundance with your acts and that is what will be returned into your path ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
Helping the turtle to cross the street or helping someone else, being cautious not to step on the tiny flower that against all odds grew at the edge of the pavement is the same act of kindness. And this luminous golden light stems from an open and warm heart. This type of acting IS YOU. It is not something external like the preaches of enforced religions.
This is the only true non-center "religion" of the Creator echoing in your Soul, because you are likewise reflecting the Source of kindness and abundance with your acts and that is what will be returned into your path ~» — Grigoris Deoudis