Κυριακή 16 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

You breathe beneath the surface

image credit: akiwi
You breathe beneath the surface, with every movement eloquently exposed, every thought experienced as a mirror that gave birth inside you.. reflecting in other mirrors within.. all the candles were lit at once..
Five orbiting spirits came closer, closer to draw attention..
Ethereal wings flapping all the ever-experienced notions of time.. a time devoted to survive and blossom in the inner spaces.. and expand at the outer limits of consciousness.. leaving a void to be heard, for the prayers and blessings of the thousand silent monks..
Eyes closed, the man keeps slipping ahead of his own dreamworlds.. The five orbiting spirits have gathered the five elements.. very fragile to be materialized on this planet.. on this time of alienation..
Visions foreclose the destiny of the weight.. Secrecy shadowing the cross of man.. Will stronger than the anchors of time, it has to be..
Five spirits have circled you in sparkling golden light.. hovering above time and space.. which.. will determine how elastic the final movements will be.. from now on. Shifting from the elemental moments until the edge of forgiveness..
If you just knew.. if you just knew how everything is absorbed in light.. and reflects back light.. if there was a chance.. for you to see.. beyond the veil of this world.. then.. you would just be.. in the sacred moment.. embraced within the shell of compassion, that flows like the sea waves..
Will meet you where the sky kisses the Sun.. where the end becomes the beginning.. where each birth flowed from the sparkling light, to give and receive Love.. remember the waters of time.. flow within.. will meet you there ~

Κυριακή 5 Αυγούστου 2012

the dreamworld

The dreamworld is the necessary "fuel" we need in order to be able and "fly" this "suite" (body) at the linear dimension. Which (this body) is a macroscopic energetic imprint of the active universe that surrounds everything that exists. Therefore, we have 7 planets (chakras) "orbiting" –balancing energetically– our own "solar system" (body).
In the near future we will discover hidden "planets" within us, as similarly we are discovering hidden planets in the broader universe.

Each one is a cosmonaut, orbiting the knowledge and wisdom of the universe. As above, so below – as within, so without ~

Κυριακή 15 Ιουλίου 2012

«The ordinary is not real, it's just a daily habit.. disintegrating the inner authenticity. What is real is the wind's touch, a bird's song, the water ripples, the earth's embrace in the deep woods, the deer's breath, the scent of wild mountain flowers.. Those are real and the true essence of those remain untouched by the ordinary mind, living away from nature..
We ought to see with the eyes of the soul, we ought to 'see' how things really are.. to glide into the subliminal dimensions-which do have physical embodiment at the spiritual realms all around us.. We ought to smell the fragrance of infinity, not wanting to grasp a second of all these, with our hands..
Then, the purity becomes a transformative experience ~» — Grigoris Deoudis

Τρίτη 10 Ιουλίου 2012

«The bowing gesture is not a sign of subordination. Realizing that in fact there is no self, rather only the reflected Divine unlimited essence within, incarnated into a vessel of flesh and bones, then bowing to each other, to every aspect of life is understanding and respecting life itself in it's totality and sanctity. Where exists the feeling of respect, compassion starts to grow. And where there is compassion there is love.
It is the awareness that you see yourself reflected in everything, as everything comes from the stars and the Divine has no form, but only vibrations of light and sound braided into endless energetic grids, that unifies all beings in a sacred manner. Everything is sacred, everything is touched by the divine.
We become the vibrations, transmitting from the core of our being, recognizing each other in this sacred path of life ~» — Grigoris Deoudis

Δευτέρα 2 Ιουλίου 2012

«I shake the dust, the new dawn carries new energies inside, therefore.. I walk naked into the shimmering embrace of sparkling light.. covering my whole essence as a blanket of stars so eminent to its existence that I stood there in silence, watching the reflections changing me from the inside.. stood there in silence to absorb what has the day to offer.. ~» — Grigoris Deoudis