Τρίτη 27 Νοεμβρίου 2012
The dream-world
The dream-world is a journeying of the soul in alternate states of consciousness, in alternate frequency realms and dimensions. In those states we are exposed in various energies and different beings with uncertain motives and intentions.
Frequently, the dreamer's state of being is entering sealed worlds, that one can only find and enter only in these states of dreaming, when one's energy-field is exposed. The beings of these worlds are taking familiar faces of whom we keep deep in our heart and appreciate the most. That can be, religious and spiritual masters and leaders, people we love, our parents, close friends, to reassure and make us feel safe.
Our consciousness is then forcibly re-programmed in these dream-states, by "downloading" psychic material in the form of knowledge, from higher dimensions and certain realms.
Let us remind ourselves that we are susceptible in energy-fields that are vibrating in a higher frequency than ours, thus, in those dream-states we are just like kids, paying attention with our eyes wide-open to what the adults are teaching to us, as we -as a human specie- are in the kindergarten in this dimension of this planet. And when our energy-field is exposed we are easily manipulated from other beings vibrating in higher dimensions. We are given what we seek to find and the intentions and true motives of most of these beings are hidden to us. Consequently, we are misguided and deceived, used as programmable bots to serve purposes that are hidden to us (we can't "see" in those frequencies, only sense bits of reality some of the times). We are given psychedelic candies, just like an adult would give candies to draw a child's attention. We are not allowed to transcend higher realms of consciousness without supervising from the keepers of those dimensions and without their permission. An isolated number of individuals has escaped but they are like sheep outside the sheepfold, their consciousness will likely become food for the energivore beings that are floating in-between the dimension realms. A sacrifice, like lambs in the desert.
There's a price to pay.. e a c h time..
It is therefore of great importance, each night to mentally prepare ourselves for a peaceful sleep. To pray calmly in the highest spiritual beings that are known for centuries for their benevolent intentions and their energy field is vast and thus it is protective to us. But do not give-in in newly externally introduced spiritual beings whose real identity is unclear, nor are their intentions. There is a kind of "psychic energy trap" that has been set decades ago, in a massive scale. In our times it grew in huge proportions. The more sensitive people among us has being used as mediums from those beings to channel their messages. It is growing stronger minute by minute, spreading its energy-tentacles all over.
Let's remain focused and balanced inside ourselves, with prayers, benevolent intentions, having a warm resonant heart, full of compassion for every other being on this planet ~
Frequently, the dreamer's state of being is entering sealed worlds, that one can only find and enter only in these states of dreaming, when one's energy-field is exposed. The beings of these worlds are taking familiar faces of whom we keep deep in our heart and appreciate the most. That can be, religious and spiritual masters and leaders, people we love, our parents, close friends, to reassure and make us feel safe.
Our consciousness is then forcibly re-programmed in these dream-states, by "downloading" psychic material in the form of knowledge, from higher dimensions and certain realms.
Let us remind ourselves that we are susceptible in energy-fields that are vibrating in a higher frequency than ours, thus, in those dream-states we are just like kids, paying attention with our eyes wide-open to what the adults are teaching to us, as we -as a human specie- are in the kindergarten in this dimension of this planet. And when our energy-field is exposed we are easily manipulated from other beings vibrating in higher dimensions. We are given what we seek to find and the intentions and true motives of most of these beings are hidden to us. Consequently, we are misguided and deceived, used as programmable bots to serve purposes that are hidden to us (we can't "see" in those frequencies, only sense bits of reality some of the times). We are given psychedelic candies, just like an adult would give candies to draw a child's attention. We are not allowed to transcend higher realms of consciousness without supervising from the keepers of those dimensions and without their permission. An isolated number of individuals has escaped but they are like sheep outside the sheepfold, their consciousness will likely become food for the energivore beings that are floating in-between the dimension realms. A sacrifice, like lambs in the desert.
There's a price to pay.. e a c h time..
It is therefore of great importance, each night to mentally prepare ourselves for a peaceful sleep. To pray calmly in the highest spiritual beings that are known for centuries for their benevolent intentions and their energy field is vast and thus it is protective to us. But do not give-in in newly externally introduced spiritual beings whose real identity is unclear, nor are their intentions. There is a kind of "psychic energy trap" that has been set decades ago, in a massive scale. In our times it grew in huge proportions. The more sensitive people among us has being used as mediums from those beings to channel their messages. It is growing stronger minute by minute, spreading its energy-tentacles all over.
Let's remain focused and balanced inside ourselves, with prayers, benevolent intentions, having a warm resonant heart, full of compassion for every other being on this planet ~
Σάββατο 24 Νοεμβρίου 2012
Shake the image of yourself
Shake the image you have used to see each day in the mirror..
it isn't you, nor represents your qualities.
You are to be found within the inner spaces and outer of the context of the meek and obedient sheep.
Seek.. inside the empty spaces.. there, you will hear a voice calling..
follow that voice..
You will be found on an empty shore in the dawn, praying to the four winds, wearing the face of silence.
And as they are heading towards the wall, the waters stood still to protect you.
You exist beyond the heard prayers.
There's a place, where the trees weave the elegant movements, walking all together, in silence ~
it isn't you, nor represents your qualities.
You are to be found within the inner spaces and outer of the context of the meek and obedient sheep.
Seek.. inside the empty spaces.. there, you will hear a voice calling..
follow that voice..
You will be found on an empty shore in the dawn, praying to the four winds, wearing the face of silence.
And as they are heading towards the wall, the waters stood still to protect you.
You exist beyond the heard prayers.
There's a place, where the trees weave the elegant movements, walking all together, in silence ~
Memories dressed from without
Flares, glimpses of the time-moments, erupt in-between the smooth motion, as I sneak in, making space with my shoulders-moving slowly like a cat.
Beneath the ground I used to keep the wine, that ready-made from bitter moments, to sweeten my memories, memories dressed from without ~
Beneath the ground I used to keep the wine, that ready-made from bitter moments, to sweeten my memories, memories dressed from without ~
Σάββατο 10 Νοεμβρίου 2012
Spiritual beings and dimensions
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image credit: Tom Falconer |
In the whole of creation there are levels of perception, levels of dimension and correspondingly, there are entities with different abilities and tasks. Therefore -and according to this principle- there are beings operating in the lower planes and beings operating in the higher planes. It is a basic principle of the universe, beings from the lower planes to support with their lives the beings of the higher planes. This can be done by offering themselves as a source of food and/or offering their lives and their community and social structure to serve the needs of entities from the higher planes.
Ants live in a two dimensional world, thus they can't perceive our existence. Humans live in a three dimensional world, thus they can't perceive beings from the 4th dimension and so on. Ants are of much less significance to us and the same is happening with us and the entities from the 4th dimension and above (5th, 6th etc). If those entities want to deal with us it will be only to use us for their needs.
The universe is a predator. A huge meteorite would fall onto a planet destroying trillions of every kind of life, without any savior interfering to save any of those lives.
What if... you were a tiny bacterium and they took you with a syringe, injected you to live in a small bubble but for you it was a whole planet. You live in that bubble, having a bacterium consciousness, but at the rare moments of great insight, you imagine that there must be a huge syringe that injected you in this planet (bubble) sometime. Perhaps ages ago.
Man, you live in a soap-bubble that in the subtle finger touch will burst silently in the surrounding space, without anyone ever notice that... once there was a soap-bubble living here (with you in it) for a brief moment...
Now, take all those laws, regulations, authorities that ever existed on planet earth and throw them to the sea... they are useless.. nothing can touch you.. nothing can contain you who YOU are.. Everything is elementary beautiful and amazingly shapeless, that is worth living for. Because your consciousness is so much thirsty for all those colorful vibrations, to drink, beyond the dream-scape fields that never touched, never polluted by a human breath. ~
Τετάρτη 24 Οκτωβρίου 2012
Ίνγκμαρ Μπέργκμαν - 'Αγριες Φράουλες
Μια από τις πιο δυνατές σκηνές της ταινίας "Άγριες Φράουλες", του Σουηδού σκηνοθέτη/σεναριογράφου Ίνγκμαρ Μπέργκμαν (Ingmar Bergman).
Τετάρτη 17 Οκτωβρίου 2012
Awakening is not a process of thought and it is not happening by the conscious mind. One is awakened by hearing the rustling of the leaves, the sea waves splashing on the rocks, the bird's song. All this do not require an effort, it requires stillness and presence in the moment.
Awakening is to be able to be present with all of yourself in the moment. Then you become everything. Then, the freedom has a new meaning and you understand the essence of flight ~
Δευτέρα 15 Οκτωβρίου 2012
How do you know when you are successful in your life? It is such a complete feeling, it is covering you like a wave, when you know you are true and sincere to yourself. When you love and accept yourself you are connected in a deeply sacred manner to yourself and thus you are truly successful in your life.
We start building from the inside, embracing the outside as we grow ~
Σάββατο 6 Οκτωβρίου 2012
Τετάρτη 3 Οκτωβρίου 2012
Still mind; Spiritual Realms communication
Deep inside, in the stillness, where the core of yourself is integrated with the transparency of the Divine veil, you hear the cosmic waves, coming and going..
at the absence and in the presence..
Everything is defined and in the same time is not..
So much freedom!..
You hear the cosmic waves bringing knowledge from the distant star systems..
Shreds of consciousness are floating unnoticed, virgin like the pure snow, untouched..
You let the silence come in, like waves..
to lift the veil..
There is constant communication with the Divine planes, trying to communicate with you..
Dismiss the old patterns and listen.. listen.. the wind is changing direction..
Feel the wind as soft as feather's touch, caressing your skin in the moonlight..
Let the wind gather beneath your wings.. lifting you up.. to rise higher.. higher than the eagles fly.. where children never lie..
And there.. there the liquid light is pure consciousness, penetrating the crystal beings..
Everything is transparently exposed.. and it is so powerful! and graceful, that..
it leaves no trace behind.. you can only hear the whisper riding the four winds ~
Σάββατο 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012
hundreds of steps ahead of me
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image credit: oO-Rein-Oo |
Grasp every second from the eternity wheel, the gathering is where the heart runs wild into the shimmering fire, runs in our veins as a flaming breath ~
Δευτέρα 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012
Faith healing cymbals _
The second sun is approaching to the "rising" point.. major shifts going to occur energetically, which will bring huge shifts externally and internally.. everything will turned upside down.. don't rush to blame your luck.. at least for the luminous souls with a mission here in this life, this is the time of the seasons.. where all their charisma's will be exerted..
You are from the stars, you are the Cosmic eternal consciousness, not this body.. this shall be the time of great separation from everything that connected you in flesh..
You have to remember the Cosmic footprint of all times.. by looking inside.. You are bringing forth the ancient message of Love.. You are bridging Light columns through the kindness of your heart.. And you are blessed ~
Κυριακή 16 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012
Actual freedom
To a modern Westerner the *Actual Freedom* is actually.. a burden. Among other things it means frugality. In the western world frugal is only... the minimalistic art[!].. Everything else is occupied by noisy spaces and a degenerative, self-negated consciousness, echoing whispers in the labyrinth of gods and demons.
On the other hand, *Actual Freedom* was a concept that was more passable in the past, when people were living in/from the land, without electricity, closer and truer to each-other.
We have to re-evaluate what Freedom really means.
If freedom means giving me the possibility to be enslaved in the current system, to exist under the tyranny of fake financial crisis' all over the western world, to tolerate increasingly growing policing and underlying militarism, then, the term "Freedom" and the statue of liberty are insulting the intelligence of the human race, pointing that.. there was never a true psychological, sociological, ethical, eco-logical evolution, other than the evolution of the machines (techno-logical evolution).
Often, people are giving the impression of livestock.. moving from one farm to another. From the one political system to the other, from the one religious system to the other. There's a Greek proverb "The smart bird gets caught by the nose". Ages upon ages the masses of people are suffering under the tyranny of saviors and promises.. endless wars, misery and lies.. And we see us, humans, now, living in the 21st century and we see us, now, as the only creature (perhaps on the entire Galaxy) having to work in order to be able to live, while there still exist queens and kings and princesses (haven't changed a darn bit since the fairy-tales!). Having to collect silly colored papers that are printed from the same guys that rule us!! If that is not insanity then what is?..
If someone is not richer than another one, he would never think of making a law about thievery.. Who is going to care for the poor donkey that works in the mill, producing goods for others from the dawn 'till dusk? Who is going to care and put a pillow under the knees of the donkey?
Your subconscious is targeted constantly in order to not being able to see left from right.. It started from school with the so called "education" i.e: a fascistic enforced lobotomy.
As a result, humans are the most abundant and in the same time, the most degenerate species. Even dinosaurs existed 165 million years before they go extinct. Homo sapiens exists the past 250,000 years.
There are a plethora of ways to thrive on this planet as holistic beings. Let us choose to reject what insults our soul. Let us erase the patterns, let us focus into the heart of the (self)Universe. Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing.. ~
You breathe beneath the surface
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image credit: akiwi |
Five orbiting spirits came closer, closer to draw attention..
Ethereal wings flapping all the ever-experienced notions of time.. a time devoted to survive and blossom in the inner spaces.. and expand at the outer limits of consciousness.. leaving a void to be heard, for the prayers and blessings of the thousand silent monks..
Eyes closed, the man keeps slipping ahead of his own dreamworlds.. The five orbiting spirits have gathered the five elements.. very fragile to be materialized on this planet.. on this time of alienation..
Visions foreclose the destiny of the weight.. Secrecy shadowing the cross of man.. Will stronger than the anchors of time, it has to be..
Five spirits have circled you in sparkling golden light.. hovering above time and space.. which.. will determine how elastic the final movements will be.. from now on. Shifting from the elemental moments until the edge of forgiveness..
If you just knew.. if you just knew how everything is absorbed in light.. and reflects back light.. if there was a chance.. for you to see.. beyond the veil of this world.. then.. you would just be.. in the sacred moment.. embraced within the shell of compassion, that flows like the sea waves..
Will meet you where the sky kisses the Sun.. where the end becomes the beginning.. where each birth flowed from the sparkling light, to give and receive Love.. remember the waters of time.. flow within.. will meet you there ~
Κυριακή 5 Αυγούστου 2012
the dreamworld
The dreamworld is the necessary "fuel" we need in order to be able and "fly" this "suite" (body) at the linear dimension. Which (this body) is a macroscopic energetic imprint of the active universe that surrounds everything that exists. Therefore, we have 7 planets (chakras) "orbiting" –balancing energetically– our own "solar system" (body).
In the near future we will discover hidden "planets" within us, as similarly we are discovering hidden planets in the broader universe.
Each one is a cosmonaut, orbiting the knowledge and wisdom of the universe. As above, so below – as within, so without ~
Κυριακή 15 Ιουλίου 2012
«The ordinary is not real, it's just a daily habit.. disintegrating the inner authenticity. What is real is the wind's touch, a bird's song, the water ripples, the earth's embrace in the deep woods, the deer's breath, the scent of wild mountain flowers.. Those are real and the true essence of those remain untouched by the ordinary mind, living away from nature..
We ought to see with the eyes of the soul, we ought to 'see' how things really are.. to glide into the subliminal dimensions-which do have physical embodiment at the spiritual realms all around us.. We ought to smell the fragrance of infinity, not wanting to grasp a second of all these, with our hands..
Then, the purity becomes a transformative experience ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
We ought to see with the eyes of the soul, we ought to 'see' how things really are.. to glide into the subliminal dimensions-which do have physical embodiment at the spiritual realms all around us.. We ought to smell the fragrance of infinity, not wanting to grasp a second of all these, with our hands..
Then, the purity becomes a transformative experience ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
Τρίτη 10 Ιουλίου 2012
«The bowing gesture is not a sign of subordination. Realizing that in fact there is no self, rather only the reflected Divine unlimited essence within, incarnated into a vessel of flesh and bones, then bowing to each other, to every aspect of life is understanding and respecting life itself in it's totality and sanctity. Where exists the feeling of respect, compassion starts to grow. And where there is compassion there is love.
It is the awareness that you see yourself reflected in everything, as everything comes from the stars and the Divine has no form, but only vibrations of light and sound braided into endless energetic grids, that unifies all beings in a sacred manner. Everything is sacred, everything is touched by the divine.
We become the vibrations, transmitting from the core of our being, recognizing each other in this sacred path of life ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
It is the awareness that you see yourself reflected in everything, as everything comes from the stars and the Divine has no form, but only vibrations of light and sound braided into endless energetic grids, that unifies all beings in a sacred manner. Everything is sacred, everything is touched by the divine.
We become the vibrations, transmitting from the core of our being, recognizing each other in this sacred path of life ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
Δευτέρα 2 Ιουλίου 2012
«I shake the dust, the new dawn carries new energies inside, therefore.. I walk naked into the shimmering embrace of sparkling light.. covering my whole essence as a blanket of stars so eminent to its existence that I stood there in silence, watching the reflections changing me from the inside.. stood there in silence to absorb what has the day to offer.. ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
Σάββατο 30 Ιουνίου 2012
«When one's words are a series of accusations, then that has not to do with the higher self-even when the person expresses that wants to "help". Only the higher self can support with wisdom and guidance, as similarly only a higher energy can change a lower energy.
The crowd that likes the negative ambient of such interactions, is a sign that they themselves are also not ready to change.. they are also not connected to their higher-subtler self. They seek the lower energies to feel secure in their darkness..
The higher self nourishes with love and only love.. and you can feel this from the quality of the energy that comes and uplifts you from the depths of your habitual self. You can feel that subtle difference from the vibration of the words that surround with love and not with accusations. The words stem from the reserve of the heart.
Discard what is not aligned to your soul.. proceed to the union with your higher self ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
The crowd that likes the negative ambient of such interactions, is a sign that they themselves are also not ready to change.. they are also not connected to their higher-subtler self. They seek the lower energies to feel secure in their darkness..
The higher self nourishes with love and only love.. and you can feel this from the quality of the energy that comes and uplifts you from the depths of your habitual self. You can feel that subtle difference from the vibration of the words that surround with love and not with accusations. The words stem from the reserve of the heart.
Discard what is not aligned to your soul.. proceed to the union with your higher self ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
Παρασκευή 29 Ιουνίου 2012
«We sing our good morning wishes to the trees for the air that we breathe, we sing our good morning blessings to the birds for the beauty they express with their song, sending grateful vibrations-thanking the gentle spirits for their gifts..
We sing our good morning wishes to each-other, for their heart is our own reflection in the pool of white-golden light..
We sing our good morning wishes to the life that is ahead for us, chiseling energetically that life in our future-self, through love and acceptance.. we grow when we let go.. we truly live when we wholeheartedly give..
We sing our good morning wishes to the elements on Mother Earth, for they are made to heal our essence and help us shift into the transparent sparkling golden light that we are.. within.. and without ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
We sing our good morning wishes to each-other, for their heart is our own reflection in the pool of white-golden light..
We sing our good morning wishes to the life that is ahead for us, chiseling energetically that life in our future-self, through love and acceptance.. we grow when we let go.. we truly live when we wholeheartedly give..
We sing our good morning wishes to the elements on Mother Earth, for they are made to heal our essence and help us shift into the transparent sparkling golden light that we are.. within.. and without ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
Δευτέρα 25 Ιουνίου 2012
«You are flowing like a leaf in the river-flow of events around you.. feel it inside changing your essence. Let the leaf, unravel its journey.. it may stop at the river shore, at a stone, or at a piece of wood.. it may carry the eggs of a frog, or continue floating unstoppable.. the journey is the experiences.. be the flow.. let the river patterns shift your fears and blockages.. as it raises up like the kundalini serpent.. reaching at the center of your brain.. the sacred portal of omnipotent dimensions.. the heart vibrations, aligned with the universal heartbeat are bringing divine qualities inside.
Teach yourself and let him be taught from the flow.. We are the energetic imprint soaring in the sky of endless flow ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
Teach yourself and let him be taught from the flow.. We are the energetic imprint soaring in the sky of endless flow ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
Πέμπτη 14 Ιουνίου 2012
Τετάρτη 30 Μαΐου 2012
«On this new day, I stare at the sun, as I stretch my existence out to reach the qualities of the new energies. As I slowly breath these new energies in, I turn my head to the right breathing out what is not connected with me any more.
I turn to the four directions, nodding with my gratitude, for helping me connect to my sacred inner qualities and align them to the outer.
I expand my consciousness to the four directions as a fisherman casts his net.. ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
I turn to the four directions, nodding with my gratitude, for helping me connect to my sacred inner qualities and align them to the outer.
I expand my consciousness to the four directions as a fisherman casts his net.. ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
Δευτέρα 28 Μαΐου 2012
Παρασκευή 25 Μαΐου 2012
«Food is the energy we need to sustain our bodies. Love is the energy we need to transform our energetic bodies. Each moment should be a moment of love sharing. And then each moment we come closer to the Divine, nourishing ourselves with the highest Divine essence. Experiencing those colors that are now non-visible in our spectrum range. Your food is Love ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
Πέμπτη 17 Μαΐου 2012
«It is a magical sensation how the energetic world appears before our eyes when we come closer to the Divine essences. It is in the flow, the Divine energies to affect and transform us, but we have been programmed from our childhood to block this processes.
How much transformative it is, when we align with our Cosmic divinity and way of existing. When we allow the Cosmic abundance to fill our lives. The only way of living is with our heart open, by giving and receiving Cosmic love.
The other day I was going to work and I had this wonderful incitement from a beautiful soul whom I love so much. She told me "have you tried passing your energy of love while you are delivering the post to people?"
I had never tried something like this before while working and at work we spend a great amount of our everyday time. It was so wonderful the energy I received from letting my love energy flow to others around me. I made a different start with the energy of love and what is the most astonishing, is that what you send, that you will receive back. New connections ignited inside me. The greatness of living energetically is transforming the forgotten You inside, allowing you to be aligned with the source and remember your Cosmic origin.
This is the greatest affirmation of all: "Whatever you do... do it with love" ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
How much transformative it is, when we align with our Cosmic divinity and way of existing. When we allow the Cosmic abundance to fill our lives. The only way of living is with our heart open, by giving and receiving Cosmic love.
The other day I was going to work and I had this wonderful incitement from a beautiful soul whom I love so much. She told me "have you tried passing your energy of love while you are delivering the post to people?"
I had never tried something like this before while working and at work we spend a great amount of our everyday time. It was so wonderful the energy I received from letting my love energy flow to others around me. I made a different start with the energy of love and what is the most astonishing, is that what you send, that you will receive back. New connections ignited inside me. The greatness of living energetically is transforming the forgotten You inside, allowing you to be aligned with the source and remember your Cosmic origin.
This is the greatest affirmation of all: "Whatever you do... do it with love" ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
Κυριακή 13 Μαΐου 2012
on Tantra ~
Integrated is the one who is energetically self-created.. and looking at the heart of his soul-mate "sees through" the grid of matter.. he feels the soul memories vibrating.. he "sees" the universe weaving a common energy footprint.. which includes the footprint of all creatures..
Yes.. The fire burns in the fire.. and is unfolding spiraling towards infinity.. The heart truly knows
~» — Grigoris Deoudis, June 20, 2012
«After the first fire of the erotic-love, there can be time intervals where the lovers stay apart, often see each-other from afar, but not touching each-other. Thinking of each-other but not touching each-other..
Not until in the transformative power of a new moon in Pisces they then can both feed their fire, swirling together in a tantric overnight session of loving vibes.
Now there is enough charcoal to ignite the fire again and again as that transformative energy is expanding their energetic grid.
And their erotic-love passion can last forever ~» — Grigoris Deoudis, May 13, 2012 at 11:44 pm
Πέμπτη 26 Απριλίου 2012
Σάββατο 21 Απριλίου 2012
Παρασκευή 20 Απριλίου 2012
Πέμπτη 19 Απριλίου 2012
food additives alter sense of taste
«The sense of taste has been altered from artificial food additives that are chemical bombs for the organism. They have built a whole culture of addictive users depending on the palatability of totally "empty" foods. I wouldn't be surprised if a very high percentage of the population will going to suffer from cancer.
Humans went to the moon but they don't know how to feed themselves.
A body that isn't built on nutritious foods, is suffering. What sustains you is Energy. Sustain yourself with energetic foods ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
Τετάρτη 18 Απριλίου 2012
Δευτέρα 16 Απριλίου 2012
each wound is open, alive, with memories and senses your fears ~
song: Elegy by Lisa Gerrard and Patrick Cassidy
Σάββατο 14 Απριλίου 2012
Το Κύμα της Ζωής
πατήστε το CC για ελληνικούς υποτίτλους...
Πέμπτη 12 Απριλίου 2012
Ποιός πραγματικά είσαι;
Επέλεξε Greek κάτω αριστερά για να εμφανιστούν οι υπότιτλοι στα ελληνικά.
Απόσπασμα από το βιβλίο «The Diamond in Your Pocket» της Gangaji και αφήγηση από την ίδια.
Η μουσική που ακούγεται είναι το κομμάτι Elegy από τη συνεργασία της Lisa Gerrard με τον Patrick Cassidy, από το άλμπουμ Immortal Memory.
Πέμπτη 29 Μαρτίου 2012
«When you keep repeating a word many times, it eventually loses its meaning, its relation to you. If you keep repeating for example the word "tree" many times, at first, the recall of thought may bring to you the chirping sound of the crickets, or the similar acoustically word "tri" or anything else. But after a certain amount of time the word cease to exist, it becomes meaningless. There is no thread to connect anymore the word tree with the tree itself.
After all, if we don't call the tree as "tree" will the tree stop existing, or will it disappear? And what is the tree. Isn't also the tree its leaves? Isn't it also the bark with the beautiful in touch texture? Isn't it also the flowers, the fruits of the tree one with the tree? Isn't the tree made of the same molecules that everything is made of, including ourselves?
As we continue doing this we are walking backwards, we are walking backwards in our programmed patterns that have been put there since our childhood. We slowly erase the blackboard with all those information that society have put into our brains without ever asking us our permission to do so.
If we keep doing this many times with different words we may start to realize that everything is more simple, without rules and orders to follow and what comes from Nature isn't a rule, because it preexists inside you, it's not something externally enforced.
You may discover that there is energy behind the word and that energy will take you away. You will ride that energy vehicle realizing that it's the same energy that unifies everything your perceptions can conceive.
You will lose yourself in the process, but to find yourself you first have to lose him.
And then comes the huge wave hitting your tiny consciousness, that in fact there is no self. It's only different frequencies of energy waves and you are swimming in that vast ocean of multifaceted energy ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
After all, if we don't call the tree as "tree" will the tree stop existing, or will it disappear? And what is the tree. Isn't also the tree its leaves? Isn't it also the bark with the beautiful in touch texture? Isn't it also the flowers, the fruits of the tree one with the tree? Isn't the tree made of the same molecules that everything is made of, including ourselves?
As we continue doing this we are walking backwards, we are walking backwards in our programmed patterns that have been put there since our childhood. We slowly erase the blackboard with all those information that society have put into our brains without ever asking us our permission to do so.
If we keep doing this many times with different words we may start to realize that everything is more simple, without rules and orders to follow and what comes from Nature isn't a rule, because it preexists inside you, it's not something externally enforced.
You may discover that there is energy behind the word and that energy will take you away. You will ride that energy vehicle realizing that it's the same energy that unifies everything your perceptions can conceive.
You will lose yourself in the process, but to find yourself you first have to lose him.
And then comes the huge wave hitting your tiny consciousness, that in fact there is no self. It's only different frequencies of energy waves and you are swimming in that vast ocean of multifaceted energy ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
Αισθάνομαι το κύμα ευθύβολα να με χτυπά, στο κέντρο όσων ποτέ αισθάνθηκα. Ουρανοΰφαντες θέλει να'ναι οι τέρψεις μιας ομιχλώδους εικασίας που ταλαντεύται από τα βασίλεια της ύπαρξης μέχρι τη σκιά, εκεί κάτω στην κοιλάδα του χρόνου. Τα σύννεφα δεν έκρυψαν τις αχτίδες μιας προθεσμιακής ακατανίκητης ευτυχίας.
Γίνεται η γεύση σαγηνευτικά σάρκινη, με κόκκινα ριγά από ζωντάνια και ορμή.
Ψάξε με στο πέρας των αιώνων, θα βρείς μόνο την ανάσα του ελαφιού να χάνεται στην πρωινή παγωμένη δροσιά.
Πέταγμα ερωτευμένων πουλιών οι σκέψεις στα αμέτρητα κομμάτια που μας έφεραν από μακριά.
Μόνον τότε υπήρξα, τότε που έχασα τον εαυτό και είδα τη Δημιουργία να δακρύζει μπροστά στο πέταγμα μιας πεταλούδας, ενθυμούμενη το σκίρτημά της ως χρυσαλίδα.
I am but a Sky Feather ~ fallen from Grace
Γίνεται η γεύση σαγηνευτικά σάρκινη, με κόκκινα ριγά από ζωντάνια και ορμή.
Ψάξε με στο πέρας των αιώνων, θα βρείς μόνο την ανάσα του ελαφιού να χάνεται στην πρωινή παγωμένη δροσιά.
Πέταγμα ερωτευμένων πουλιών οι σκέψεις στα αμέτρητα κομμάτια που μας έφεραν από μακριά.
Μόνον τότε υπήρξα, τότε που έχασα τον εαυτό και είδα τη Δημιουργία να δακρύζει μπροστά στο πέταγμα μιας πεταλούδας, ενθυμούμενη το σκίρτημά της ως χρυσαλίδα.
I am but a Sky Feather ~ fallen from Grace
«Our life here on Earth is just a lesson in a classroom. Our soul is traveling from planet to planet, learning, growing, sharing information perpetually. What we perceive with our senses on this planet is not even a grain of sand of what exists out there at the vast multi-universes, dancing among the multidimensional spectrum of light and sound. Everything in the Universe is Light and Sound. And this is the "Logos" (from the Greek Λόγος) that mentioned in the bible. This is God's Light of Creation. This is the Ethereal field that connects all beings energetically and multidimentionally. That Ethereal field is God's Breath.
Right now, in this vessel, we view only the source of Light from a refracted point of view. But this life is astoundingly rich in experiences, it's a harmonious vibrational bliss of the OverSoul, shedding the Light to us. We try to find the Divine path, we try to "remember". The memory lies in our cells, trying from here, from the realm of amnesia-that most of us humans are trapped in. Behold the Light!
≈☼≈ » — Grigoris Deoudis
Right now, in this vessel, we view only the source of Light from a refracted point of view. But this life is astoundingly rich in experiences, it's a harmonious vibrational bliss of the OverSoul, shedding the Light to us. We try to find the Divine path, we try to "remember". The memory lies in our cells, trying from here, from the realm of amnesia-that most of us humans are trapped in. Behold the Light!
≈☼≈ » — Grigoris Deoudis
Τρίτη 27 Μαρτίου 2012
«I observe these society systems coming soon to their end. And I look forward for that day to come where all this cacophony of short-sighted, repetitive beings with no light in their eyes, will grant their space to the truly awakened ones.
The humanity will wake-up from this monochromatic dream. All these systems of submission and refraction of the Light, all those governance, religious and monetary systems, the need for nations and borders etc. will cease to exist, they will naturally collapse under their own weight. What is not designed to carry Light is destined to failure.
And the luminous crystal human will remember his Cosmic origin, and he will greet and embrace the brotherhood of men throughout the Universe and he will shine the Light of Love on this planet ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
The humanity will wake-up from this monochromatic dream. All these systems of submission and refraction of the Light, all those governance, religious and monetary systems, the need for nations and borders etc. will cease to exist, they will naturally collapse under their own weight. What is not designed to carry Light is destined to failure.
And the luminous crystal human will remember his Cosmic origin, and he will greet and embrace the brotherhood of men throughout the Universe and he will shine the Light of Love on this planet ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
Δευτέρα 26 Μαρτίου 2012
Οι Τέσσερις Συμφωνίες
Η εισαγωγή: Ο Αχνός στον Καθρέφτη και το πρώτο κεφάλαιο: Η Εξημέρωση και το Όνειρο του Πλανήτη από το βιβλίο του Δον Μιγκέλ Ρουίζ με τίτλο Οι Τέσσερις Συμφωνίες, από τις εκδόσεις Διόπτρα.
Παρακολουθώντας το 20 λεπτο video-απόσπασμα αλλά και κατά τη μετάφραση των υποτίτλων αισθάνθηκα ότι χρειάζεται οπωσδήποτε να διαβάσω αυτό το βιβλίο.
Κυριακή 25 Μαρτίου 2012
«We raise our children with a system of punishment and reward making them submissive to our commands and furthermore to the commands of our corrupt society. Passive lobotomized humanoids-like, and then we wonder why it is so difficult to rebel against all those that we feel are unjust to us.
As long as there cannot exist true revolution from the inside, we are satisfied with the food scraps of the reformations ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
As long as there cannot exist true revolution from the inside, we are satisfied with the food scraps of the reformations ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
Σάββατο 24 Μαρτίου 2012
Κάνοντας τη Σύνδεση (Making the Connection)
Το «Κάνοντας τη Σύνδεση» είναι μια ταινία ντοκιμαντέρ της Vegan Society
που παρουσιάζει σφαιρικά το θέμα της διατροφής, της εκμετάλλευσης των
ζώων, της αειφορίας, της βιολογικής καλλιέργειας χωρίς ζωικά συστατικά
(stockfree ή veganic), και του veganism.
Παραγωγή 2010. Διάρκεια 30 λεπτά.
Μεταξύ των ομιλητών είναι:
- η διατροφολόγος Sandra Hood, η οποία έχει γράψει το βιβλίο Feeding your vegan infant with confidence
- η μαραθωνοδρόμος Fiona Oakes
- ο συγγραφέας και ποιητής Benjamin Zephaniah
Η μουσική που ακούγεται είναι:
Ακολουθούν παρακάτω και μερικές προσωπικές εντυπώσεις για το θέμα.
Πέμπτη 22 Μαρτίου 2012
«In what we do, the people we relate to, we always leave an energy imprint behind. All those energy imprints are parts of our own energy, like the footprints in the sand.
We can act in two ways to recover energetically. The first is to cut all those energy cords by going there energetically, visualizing the scene, removing us from that scene; thus drawing our own energy back.
The second is to replenish, to refill our energy reservoirs by harmonizing our body layers and receiving cosmic energy from the Omni-conscious perpetual Existence ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
We can act in two ways to recover energetically. The first is to cut all those energy cords by going there energetically, visualizing the scene, removing us from that scene; thus drawing our own energy back.
The second is to replenish, to refill our energy reservoirs by harmonizing our body layers and receiving cosmic energy from the Omni-conscious perpetual Existence ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
«The grid that contains our essence, all of our body layers is luminous and omni-conscious. As long as we remain attached to this world in a linear way, we are not ourselves.
This is the observer observing, there is a detachment, we are not one with what we observe. There is a distance and this distance determines and defines the way we think.
If I am very close to the blackboard I can't see the whole equation. Accordingly, when I am are very far I can't see clearly what is written. In order to solve the equation we first need to be able to see every part of it and make the connections.
Unless we discard the way we have been formated, unless we are able to remove all the veils in front of our eyes, we are unable to bring a revolution that is not yet another reformation.
In order to bring a substantial revolution, we need to become the revolution, starting from the smallest. Because the smallest contains the seed that germinates the biggest ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
This is the observer observing, there is a detachment, we are not one with what we observe. There is a distance and this distance determines and defines the way we think.
If I am very close to the blackboard I can't see the whole equation. Accordingly, when I am are very far I can't see clearly what is written. In order to solve the equation we first need to be able to see every part of it and make the connections.
Unless we discard the way we have been formated, unless we are able to remove all the veils in front of our eyes, we are unable to bring a revolution that is not yet another reformation.
In order to bring a substantial revolution, we need to become the revolution, starting from the smallest. Because the smallest contains the seed that germinates the biggest ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
Παρασκευή 16 Μαρτίου 2012
«The body is a self-healing mechanism. Just remember that any wound you ever had has healed by its own. The outer is a reflection of the inner. The order for the wound to be healed is given by your immune system. If the outer is healed the same also is for the inner.
Nature has all the necessary equipment to heal body, spirit and soul; if you just give them the opportunity ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
Nature has all the necessary equipment to heal body, spirit and soul; if you just give them the opportunity ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
Τετάρτη 14 Μαρτίου 2012
Δευτέρα 12 Μαρτίου 2012
«Earth's Natural Psychoactive substances and only those, are the sacred portals to those dimensions that can only entered by our subtler essence.
We as humans are made to consume plant matter and to be healed by the food we consume. Plants can heal all of our bodies. There are those plants to feed our dense physical bodies (veggies and greens) and others to feed the psyche, the mental and etheric body (psychoactive plants). These are advisers if we only know how and let them to guide us.
Natural psychoactive substances broaden our mental and etheric frequency that's why they being used from Shamans since the dawn of mankind everywhere on Earth and that is why they called psycho-active.
If people with psychological issues are making use of psychoactive substances all of their issues are brought to the surface. This is a chance for them to look up and resolve their issues. Problems are gifts. If they are not aware of how it works or if they are not ready, they will be destroyed. Journeys to the outer realms of consciousness start by exposing the patterns of oneself. If the inner is not balanced and aligned to the outer, then one cannot proceed further to the subtler realities.
It's up to you if you use the knife to cut the food you're about to eat or you can use it to kill someone else. That is the greatness of having free will, is to use it wisely towards mental and spiritual prosperity.
For those that are aware, the gates are open to multidimensional realms of Consciousness to manifest ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
We as humans are made to consume plant matter and to be healed by the food we consume. Plants can heal all of our bodies. There are those plants to feed our dense physical bodies (veggies and greens) and others to feed the psyche, the mental and etheric body (psychoactive plants). These are advisers if we only know how and let them to guide us.
Natural psychoactive substances broaden our mental and etheric frequency that's why they being used from Shamans since the dawn of mankind everywhere on Earth and that is why they called psycho-active.
If people with psychological issues are making use of psychoactive substances all of their issues are brought to the surface. This is a chance for them to look up and resolve their issues. Problems are gifts. If they are not aware of how it works or if they are not ready, they will be destroyed. Journeys to the outer realms of consciousness start by exposing the patterns of oneself. If the inner is not balanced and aligned to the outer, then one cannot proceed further to the subtler realities.
It's up to you if you use the knife to cut the food you're about to eat or you can use it to kill someone else. That is the greatness of having free will, is to use it wisely towards mental and spiritual prosperity.
For those that are aware, the gates are open to multidimensional realms of Consciousness to manifest ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
Σάββατο 10 Μαρτίου 2012
«When you are nice and kind then kindness and goodness will be reflected back to you. When you are violent and mean, that is what will be returned to you.
Helping the turtle to cross the street or helping someone else, being cautious not to step on the tiny flower that against all odds grew at the edge of the pavement is the same act of kindness. And this luminous golden light stems from an open and warm heart. This type of acting IS YOU. It is not something external like the preaches of enforced religions.
This is the only true non-center "religion" of the Creator echoing in your Soul, because you are likewise reflecting the Source of kindness and abundance with your acts and that is what will be returned into your path ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
Helping the turtle to cross the street or helping someone else, being cautious not to step on the tiny flower that against all odds grew at the edge of the pavement is the same act of kindness. And this luminous golden light stems from an open and warm heart. This type of acting IS YOU. It is not something external like the preaches of enforced religions.
This is the only true non-center "religion" of the Creator echoing in your Soul, because you are likewise reflecting the Source of kindness and abundance with your acts and that is what will be returned into your path ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
Τετάρτη 7 Μαρτίου 2012
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Amore by A. Andrew Gonzalez |
«Υπάρχει απόκλιση από τον κόσμο των αισθήσεων. Όπως με την τροφή, οι περισσότεροι μιλούν για το αν κάτι είναι νόστιμο, όχι αν είναι υγιεινό και ακόμη πιο πέρα θεραπευτικό. Η ζωή τους είναι εντάξει εάν ακολουθούν τη νόρμα και όχι το τι χρειάζονται για να είναι ευτυχισμένοι και ολοκληρωμένοι ως ενεργειακά όντα. Αναζητούν διασκέδαση, μα όχι ψυχαγωγία. Για τους περισσότερους σημασία έχει η απόλαυση και η συχνότητα στην ερωτική πράξη αλλά όχι η ποιότητα και η επιλογή του συντρόφου. Ακόμη καταστρεπτικότερο για το ενεργειακό πλέγμα είναι δε όταν η σεξουαλική ενέργεια εγκλωβίζεται σε ομοφυλοφιλικούς μονόδρομους.
Η ερωτική πράξη περικλείει απόλαυση, αλλά η απόλαυση έγινε αυτοσκοπός και όχι η ουσία της ερωτικής πράξης.
Αυτό που μας βοηθά να υπερβούμε τα δοσμένα και να εξελιχθούμε εν τη ουσία, είναι η σύνδεση των λειτουργιών των αισθήσεων με τα κέντρα του ενεργειακού σώματός μας. Τότε εξ-ελισσόμαστε.
Η ερωτική πράξη είναι κάτι ευπρόσδεκτο και θεραπευτικό όταν δεν γίνεται κατάχρηση και όταν γίνεται με την ταντρική προσέγγιση. Εκ πείρας να προσθέσω πως η ταντρική ερωτική πράξη είναι κάτι που ενώνει τις δυο υπάρξεις σε μια. Η ένωση είναι σε ενεργειακό επίπεδο και η ενέργεια των δυο γίνεται πλέον μια ενέργεια που ανεβαίνει στροβιλιζόμενη και δονεί συθέμελα όλα τα ενεργειακά κέντρα την ίδια στιγμή που οι συμμέτοχοι αισθάνονται Συμπαντική Αγάπη ο ένας για τον άλλο.
Το να είμαστε σε θέση να βιώνουμε αυτούς τους ενεργειακούς κλυδωνισμούς μέσα σε αυτή τη σαρκική φυλακή είναι η εκστατική επιβεβαίωση -σα προσευχή- προς τη μεγαλοσύνη της Δημιουργίας ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
Τρίτη 28 Φεβρουαρίου 2012
«Omni-consciousness is expressed through you both consciously and subconsciously. This is happening more effortlessly when you are withdrawn, distant. When the mind and the thoughts are less active. Then it is time for your essence to harvest from the Omni-conscious Mind. Every higher, pioneering, sublime apprehension or idea or impression, or notion stems directly from that "Omni-conscious cloud" of Multi-perceptional spectrum.
This is simply understood by the basic law of physics: the principle of communicating vessels. We are vessels with a lower dynamic field and much denser. We are in a lower class than many other entities in the universe, therefore we draw from the vessels that are subtler in essence, ethereal multi-communicating beings of Light ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
This is simply understood by the basic law of physics: the principle of communicating vessels. We are vessels with a lower dynamic field and much denser. We are in a lower class than many other entities in the universe, therefore we draw from the vessels that are subtler in essence, ethereal multi-communicating beings of Light ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
Δευτέρα 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2012
Κυριακή 26 Φεβρουαρίου 2012
«Wandering to the corridors of colorful ecstatic light, waves of Omni-consciousness washes away my spirit coming and going like the ebb and tide.
Watching small planets traveling beneath my feet as I lean towards the evolutionary vision.
Magnetic fields planted across the grid of shivering dewdrops, lifting up with the morning light of creation.
Swirling emotions to rich the time of nowness, moving beyond walls and thick vegetation, embracing lonely galaxies.
Reaching to find the highest rose is the effort of the monks of solitude, just to smell that fragrant essence of luminous life for a slight second before the portal will change to other dimensions ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
Watching small planets traveling beneath my feet as I lean towards the evolutionary vision.
Magnetic fields planted across the grid of shivering dewdrops, lifting up with the morning light of creation.
Swirling emotions to rich the time of nowness, moving beyond walls and thick vegetation, embracing lonely galaxies.
Reaching to find the highest rose is the effort of the monks of solitude, just to smell that fragrant essence of luminous life for a slight second before the portal will change to other dimensions ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
«You know that something is nutritional when it has access to the most of your senses. Raw fresh foods are preparing the sense of sight with all those diverse rich colors (remember color is frequency). This rich in colors sight is a chromotherapy session on its own for your spirit. Secondly, prepares the sense of smell and then by ingesting them, the sense of taste.
The more you eat raw fresh foods as they are, the more your sense of taste becomes more sensitive and is able to appreciate the finest of the tastes.
Thus, raw fresh foods are a complete healing agent, balancing your energy centers from the start to the end, as only Nature knows to do so well and complete.» ~ Grigoris Deoudis
The more you eat raw fresh foods as they are, the more your sense of taste becomes more sensitive and is able to appreciate the finest of the tastes.
Thus, raw fresh foods are a complete healing agent, balancing your energy centers from the start to the end, as only Nature knows to do so well and complete.» ~ Grigoris Deoudis
«Higher Spiritual beings have worked together to the uplifting of all those body layers we are consisting of, merging them in a luminous essence of purity. We are connected energetically with subtle beings of kindness and abundance, hence we have been lifted from the lower dense grids. Let us re-arrange the rhythms in which we have connection in higher planes.
Open up yourself to the dreamland realms, they are vividly mentors unfolding your inner powers. Which in fact are reflecting the outer given Cosmic paths.
Dream with power and create!» ~ Grigoris Deoudis
Open up yourself to the dreamland realms, they are vividly mentors unfolding your inner powers. Which in fact are reflecting the outer given Cosmic paths.
Dream with power and create!» ~ Grigoris Deoudis
Τρίτη 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2012
Δευτέρα 20 Φεβρουαρίου 2012
«Encounter the self some times. Swim together at the deep waters, find some rest at the abandon islands of thought. Walk along with the dried emotions at the desert, release the fortified ego and there will come this time where the inner child will smile back again for getting it out in the open. Don't lose that smile ~» — Grigoris Deoudis
Grigoris Deoudis,
Πέμπτη 12 Ιανουαρίου 2012
Τρίτη 10 Ιανουαρίου 2012
«Αιθερική πνοή, φλόγα που αειφορεί την έλευση και όραμα που αναβόσβησε στην αυγή ρέει κατάφωτο μπροστά μας.
Πνιχτή σιγή αλαφροπάτησε, να μην φοβηθείς όταν η ώρα σημάνει τη δομή του τρόμου να σπάσεις.
Θα γίνεις ο δρόμος, θα διαβείς το έπος της μεταμόρφωσης και θα πιείς των Νηρηίδων το κρασί.
Μείνε μετέωρος στην αιχμή των σκέψεων έως ότου αυτές αποδημήσουν, ανίκανες να γεννήσουν αγάπη.
Σάββατο 7 Ιανουαρίου 2012
Τρίτη 3 Ιανουαρίου 2012
When the mother was a moth she used to weave her cocoon high, high up in the trees, it then got warmed by the sunshine rays and the faith of the crystal siblings was mesmerizing across the valley of the dew-forest delights.
Every moment opened, shined through the mirror of time and the kindness of the entire world was so overflowed from bliss that all the boys came there to smile at the dawn and sing to the trees, laying down their golden wings-too delicate to dream of their own flights, too powerful to carry the sorrow of the world ~ Grigoris Deoudis
Every moment opened, shined through the mirror of time and the kindness of the entire world was so overflowed from bliss that all the boys came there to smile at the dawn and sing to the trees, laying down their golden wings-too delicate to dream of their own flights, too powerful to carry the sorrow of the world ~ Grigoris Deoudis
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